Chapter 24
Caleb's pov
*A few minutes later*
I was walking around the park, thinking about Jade.
Did I really just ask her if she wanted to go out with me?
I was passing by the apartments when I heard quiet whimpering.
I walked slowly down the alleyway and my eyes landed upon a small girl, balled up and sobbing. I could see that she was tied up with some tape. I walked over to her cautiously and gasped when I saw who it was.
"Jade?" I whispered. Her head snapped up and her face went pale. I removed the tape from her mouth carefully. Her stomach was and chest were exposed, so I quickly pulled her shirt down.
"Caleb?" Her once beautiful voice was now croaky and lined with sadness. "What happened?" I managed to ask her as I unwrapped the tape from her wrists.
She shook her head furiously and started to cry once again, her body jolting forward with constant sobs.
"He took it." Was all she said through the crying. "Who took what?" I said as I crouched near her. She tensed up and backed away a little. "Jade, please look at me." I said. She first look at the wall behind me before she reluctantly met my eyes.
"What happened?" I asked as I put my hand on her shoulder. "The man.. H-he raped me." She started crying again.
I immediately felt anger run through me, but I tried to keep my voice level. "Tell me how it happened." I say slowly. She sniffled a little more before she explained the situation.
"I was walking to my apartment, when he just grabbed me. I tried I scream but his hand was over my mouth. He tied me up and started to take my clothes off. It was horrible, Caleb... I feel so empty now, like he ripped out a part of me." She said as the tears continued to flow. I wiped them off her cheeks with my thumb.
"It's okay. Everything will be okay. I'm her for you." I try to sooth her. I slowly pick her up bridal style while she sobs into my shoulder. I carry her the whole walk to my house.
We finally get there and I open the door. I set her down on the couch. "Thank you, Caleb. You don't know how much this means to me." She says as she curls up on the couch. "Anything you need." I say. "Do you have any tea? I just seriously need a cup right now." I nod.
I go to grab her a blanket and a cup of tea. I come back and she's sound asleep on the couch. I gently picked her up and carried her to my bedroom.
I gently laid her down and covered her up with the warmest blanket I could find. I looked at her for a few seconds before turning and walking out of the room. I grabbed a pillow and a blanket and I laid down on the couch.
It was uncomfortable all night, but I'm just glad Jade doesn't have to sleep like this. She's already been through so much.
I soon fall asleep on the uncomfortable couch with a lumpy pillow under my head and an itchy blanket thrown over my body.
Jade's pov
*a few hours later*
I was tossing and turning all night. I finally got up and checked the time.
4:29 am.
Wow, i didn't get any sleep at all. I looked around me and found I was in a bedroom, not the living room I fell asleep in.
Caleb must've seen that I was uncomfortable and carried me in here. But where is he?
I shook off the thought and decided on what to do. I smelled terrible from last night's events. I shuddered as memories of the man on me flash through my mind. I feel like crying right there, but I take a deep breath and stand up.
I head to the bathroom and hop into the shower. I did nothing more than scrub scrub scrub. I tried the best I could, but the feeling of him there wouldn't leave me. I persisted with the cleaning, but nothing was working.
I sat down on the floor of the shower and curled into a ball. I sat like that for I don't know how long. The water stung my back, but I didn't care.
I felt just terrible.
I got out of the shower and saw that it was now 6:13 am. I was walking to the kitchen to fix Caleb some breakfast, when I passed by the familiar living room. Caleb was softly snoring on the couch with a pillow under his head. The blanket he was once using was now thrown of the floor.
I went over to him and picked up the blanket. I gently draped it over his body and looked at him for a while. He looked so peaceful.
I turned away and walked to the kitchen. I searched in the pantry and the refrigerator. I finally found some eggs, bacon, cheese, and the ingredients to make pancakes.
I start with the eggs as I crack them into a bowl and whisk them. I pour the eggs into the pan and watched as it cooked. Soon, the whole kitchen smelled like pepper and sausage.
I was about to make the mix for the pancake when I heard Caleb come into the kitchen. "Morning." He said in his sexy morning voice.
"Smells good." He says with a smirk as he comes over to me. "Thanks." I say as I try to hide the small amounts of pink appearing on my cheeks.
"I'm just about to make pancakes." I say. "You do understand that I have pancake mix, you don't have to make it from scratch." He says. "I know. It just tastes too processed to me." I say back to him, sticking my tongue out.
I open the bag of flour and he comes closer to me, laughing. "What's so funny stud-muffin?" I ask playfully. "This." He says before he grabs a hand full of flour and tosses it at my face.
"You did not just do that!" I say as flour constantly falls off my face. "I believe I just did." He laughs. "Oh you're gonna get it!" I dash for the egg carton and throw two eggs at him. He dodges the first one successfully but the next one hits him straight in the face.
I'm laughing really hard so I don't see him come over to me and grab the milk. He dumps half the carton on my face and it turns the flour into a gloppy mess. I shriek and he continues to laugh.
I open the pack of sliced ham and throw them at him. The pieces of ham sit on his head lop-sided. His laugher soon silences and his smirk becomes dark. "You really shouldn't have done that." He says to me.
I immediately start to run all through the kitchen, shrieking with laughter. He soon grabs me, but he loses his balance and we both tumble onto the floor. He lands on top of me and I'm out of breath, laughing.
Our laughter soon dies down and he stares into my eyes. He inches closer and closer to where our lips are almost touching. I look at him with my eyes wide as he gets even closer.
"I win." He says Into my lips before he lifts himself off of me. I'm still on the floor, looking shocked. He's chuckling as he helps me up.
"Fuck you." I grunt.
"Maybe one of these days." He smirks. I just grind my teeth and huff.
I grunt and turn around to clean up the mess. Caleb come over and reaches his hand down my back pocket. I jump a little.
"What do you think you're doing?!" I ask him as I swat his hand away from my butt. "Relax, I was just wondering what this was. He says as he reads over a small piece of paper.
Crap. That's the paper Justin gave me.
"'Call me'? Jade, who is this guy?" He asks with a little edge to his voice. "It was a customer I had yesterday while you were gone. He slipped it into the money. I just shoved it in my pocket so I could throw it away later." I say.
It actually was kind of true. Justin was cute, but was not planning on going out with him.
"So you don't mind if I do this?" He asks before he rips it up.
I just stand there with my arms crossed over my chest. "Nope." I say, popping the 'p'. I really didn't.
"Okay.. I'm convinced." He says, holding his hands in front of him.
"Okay, so now that we've got that established, help me clean this shit up." I say as I turn around to pick up the egg shells from the floor.
We spend about 20 minutes cleaning up the floor until it seems spotless. (Except for a little lump of flour/milk combo that I saw on the floor, but I'll tell Caleb later. Maybe.)
"So I guess this means were not having breakfast?" He fake pouts.
"Yep. And whose fault is that?" I ask. "Mine." he mumbles as he walks over to a wooden box on the floor. "I got some toast, and I believe I have some Nutella in the pantry." He says, partially changing the subject. But I'm too focused on something else.
I practically run to the pantry.
I open the door expecting to find about three jars, but no, in the pantry I find over 16 jars of Nutella. There are four of the large ones and the rest are regular.
I literally almost faint.
"Woah, it's like you've never seen this much Nutella before." He laughs as he pats me on the back to wake me up from my chocolatey trance.
"Becasue I haven't! Dude, you are like, my best friend ever right now!" I say as I jump on him and squeal.
"Okay.." He laughs as he pries me off of him.
I grab a big jar of Nutella and get some bread. I get two slices and totally cover both of them with the sweet cocoa spread.
Caleb sits next to me and I see that he has a bagel instead of toast.
"Ugh. Only squares eat bagels." I say to him with a playful attitude. "Umm I'm eating a circle, you're the one eating a square." He says while he laughs.
I mentally facepalm myself.
I take a bite of my toast and see him stop me. He takes his finger and wipes off a little Nutella from the corner of my mouth.
But instead of wiping it on a napkin, he fucking licks his finger!
"Mmm. That's good." He whispers in my ear. I immediately feel my face turn a shade of scarlet.
He stops me once again. "What the fuck man? I'm trying to eat my Nutella." I say to him with my arms crossed.
"Man, you can't eat for shit, can you? It's all over your cheeks." He says, shaking his head. "But don't worry, I can fix it." He says as he comes closer.
He pecks my cheek and leaves a trail of kisses all the was until he's at the corner of my mouth.
"And you've got a little right..." He says before he kisses my lips. At first I was shocked bacause I didn't think he would go through it, but I soon melt into the kiss.
"There." He whispers as he pulls away.
If some I you didn't notice, I used a line from hold on till may by the band pierce the veil.
Cuz they're friggin perfect and I love them all.
Nutella, man.... Nutella.
But a tragedy just fell upon my household. Yep, that's right.
We now don't have anymore Nutella! *cries* ;-;
And i just got to 700 reads! You guys don't even know how much this means to me! Jut seriously. I'm so happy that all these people have read my story.
I started it out as something just to to, but then people started to read it and I just really appreciate it.
Okay... So... Um byeeeee cuz I gtta go and do stuff ( not really, I have no life. ;-; )
Read on my little sugar pumpkin rainbow babies!

Broken (Finished)
Teen FictionJade isn't a normal girl. She is beaten, bullied, abused, and ignored by everyone in her life. Her mother is dead, her father is a drunk, and her best friend committed suicide, leaving her with no friends. She is determined to commit suicide on th...