Chapter 21
•Cheyennes pov•
*The next day*
I was leaning on my locker and tapping my foot, waiting impatiently to hear the news of what happened with Jade. I haven't seen her come through the school doors yet, which is odd because she's never absent an she's always here before me.
I think about all the possible scenarios that could have taken place. 'She could just be held up with something... Or maybe she's feeling a little sick.' I think to myself. I was pretty calm until one thought came into my mind.
"What if she killed herself?" I whisper my thought out loud, but not loud enough for any by-passers to hear.
Then I feel a presence next to me, for a second I smiled because I thought it was Jade, but my smile dropped when I saw his face.
"Hey babe." Marco says as he goes to hug me. I put my hand in between us to make space. "I already told you, if you fix things with Jade, you fix things with me." I say as I search through my locker.
"But I tried! She said she never wanted to talk to me again before I could even say anything!" He says with annoyance in his voice.
"And whose fault is that?" I ask. I see him narrow his eyes. "Oh, so now you're blaming me?" He asks with a little anger in his voice.
"Yes." Is all I say before I turn around and walk away. I ignore the foul profanities that roll of his tongue and continue walking, trying to find Aliyah. I look almost everywhere when I saw her walk out of the bathroom with mildly puffy eyes.
I walk up to her quickly. "Aliyah! Have you seen Jade?" I ask almost sounding frantic.
"Three fucking months." She mutters. "She was strong for three fucking months until that prick fucked it up!" She shouts. She was talking about Marco.
"But no, I haven't seen her and now I'm fucking worried. Jesus I just want to fucking hit Marco in the balls!" She grunts and slides down the wall. "What balls?" I laugh, and she laughs along.
'She's actually really cool' I think to myself.
"So, you wanna ditch?" She asks. "I'm not really feeling like going to school." She adds. "I have cheer leading practice, but I think they can go one day without me." I say and we walk out of the doors before any staff members could see us.
We walk around the park and talk about Jade. I didn't even mention Marco once, and I don't think Aliyah wanted to either.
We went to a frozen yogurt place and say down to eat. "You ever gonna get back with the douche?" Aliyah asks, referring to Marco.
"I don't know. If he can get his act together, then maybe." I answer. "So, you interested in any guys?" I ask, trying to steer the conversation away from Marco. "Nah, none of them have really caught my eye." She answers with a shrug.
"Just watch girl, imma hook you up." I laugh and she laughs along.
I think I can really be friends with this girl.
-Jade's pov-
I was walking around the mall, still looking for a job. I rented out a very small apartment for 15$ a month, but I can't live off the money I stole from my dad forever.
Then I see it, like a sign from God.
'HELP WANTED' read the bright red sign on the front window of the anime store. I almost jumped out of my fucking skin.
I love anime.
If I could marry anime, I would,
I immediately ran through the doors and up to the cash register. "Excuse me, I saw your 'help wanted' sign and i would like to apply for a job." I breathed out.
I see a tall boy about my age with choppy dark brown hair turn around to face me. His eyes are a beautiful shade of grey with green swirls. "Well that's good. Angie just quit three days ago and nobody seems interested in coming to help." He says.
"Do you have any experience with anime?" He asks smiling. I look at him with a 'bitch-you-know-I-know-everything-about-anime' look. He laughs at my face.
"Okay, then I'm going to test you. I'm going to pull out characters and I want you to either tell me who they are or what anime they are from." He says. I nod and see him go into the back. He emerges with a few boxes and sits me down.
He pulls out a small girl with brown hair and a yellow school uniform on, holding a little dongo. "Its Nigisa Furakawa from Clannad!" I shout. "Good." He chuckles. He pulls out the next one and I roll my eyes. This is too easy. I look at the small grey bunny-thing and smile. "Totoro." I say.
"Nice." He says. After about sixteen characters (which I got all correct) he let me fill out the paperwork and gave me my uniform. It was a white t-shirt with pikachu, snorlax, banette, gothita, lots of other Pokemon, Clannad characters, Bleach characters, and lots of others surrounding a big Totoro in the middle of the shirt.
"Did you make this?" I ask, astonished. He just shrugs. "I have a lot of time on my hands." He says. I was about to exit the store before I remember one major thing.
"I never got your name." I say, mildly embarrassed. "Caleb." He smiles. "And I can already tell by your form that your name is Jade. It's a pretty name." He says and I feel bits of pink rise to my cheeks. I turn away quickly and shout back a him "Can't wait to work with you, Caleb."
This will be interesting.
Haiiiiii guys!
I know this is pretty late. Sorry, I was busy with school and stuff.
But I was wondering, should I post my other story to wattpad? I posted it once and it didn't get that much attention, but I've been working on it and I just want to know if I should or not.
Gimme your feedback!

Broken (Finished)
Teen FictionJade isn't a normal girl. She is beaten, bullied, abused, and ignored by everyone in her life. Her mother is dead, her father is a drunk, and her best friend committed suicide, leaving her with no friends. She is determined to commit suicide on th...