Chapter 12
Leo's pov:
*5 days later*
Today was the day me and Jade were going on a plane to California.
Me and her have been staying at a hotel so we wouldn't have to deal with our parents. And no, we weren't doing anything. (Perverts ;D)
We haven't been going to school, but it's not like anybody cares. Right now Jade was in the car with me as I drove down her street.
I parked in front of a house a little farther away from her house, just in case her dad was home and saw.
We were walking along the backs of the houses so nobody would see us. When we got to her house, I climbed up to her window and climbed in. I made sure it was safe before I signaled her to come up.
She climbed up and started to grab already-packed clothing. She had two bags that were fairly small. I took her stuff and put it on the ground outside.
"Here climb down." I say, helping her with the branches.
"Jaaaaade!" I hear somebody coo.
Oh no.
"Jade, run to the car!!" I shout. She goes for her bags but I stop her.
She starts dashing up the street and I see a figure in her window. Soon, a tall man with black, messy hair and a crooked smile poked his head out the window, and smiled darkly when he saw me.
"So your the one Jade's been whoring around with, huh?" He laughs. "That's none of your business." I spit.
He sends me a glare and I see him start to move. I quickly grab her stuff and dash up the street, not letting him get ahold of me.
"Get back here, you bitch!" He shouts. I ignore him and start to run faster. I quickly put Jade's stuff in the back and hop in the driver's seat.
She looks at me worried. "You okay?" She asks. "I'" I say in between breaths.
I see her dad running up the street and I instantly start to drive away, still trying to get my breath back to normal.
I drive until I see the airport. I park the car, get our stuff, and enter the airport. I bought the plane tickets to California with some money I stole from my mom. I guess she was using it to buy drugs or something.
Me and Jade are walking through the airport, trying to find our terminal.
"I can't believe we're actually doing this.." She mutters with a smile on her face. "Me either.. But it's for the best, right?" I ask."Right." She says.
-Jade's pov-
I was nervous.
I have never been on a plane or even out of Georgia, and I'm afraid of heights...
So this should be fun...
Me and Leo have been walking around for about 26 minutes and I was starting to get impatient.
"Where is our terminal?!" I whisper to myself angrily. "It's okay.. We'll find it." Leo reassures me. I study the map of the humongous airport and grunt in frustration.
"Ooh!" I almost shout. "There it is!" I exclaim excitedly, pointing to the spot on the map. "Nice job." He smiles.
I locate the place we are on the map and start walking towards our destination. I'm so excited that I almost start running.
"Hey! Wait up!" I hear Leo laugh behind me. I slow my pace when I see our terminal. Leo catches up to me and stands beside me.
"Flight 43 San Francisco, California now boarding." The lady says over the intercom.
"Ready?" Leo asks, smiling at me.
"Lets do this!"
OMG I'm soooo sory!!
I had a total writers block and I didn't know what to write!
Well my birthday was yesterday, and I was suprised to find 72 reads! Okay guys like, really?!?!
But yeah, thank you for reading. I really appreciate it.
So keep on reading my little lovely apple fritter babies!!

Broken (Finished)
Teen FictionJade isn't a normal girl. She is beaten, bullied, abused, and ignored by everyone in her life. Her mother is dead, her father is a drunk, and her best friend committed suicide, leaving her with no friends. She is determined to commit suicide on th...