Chapter 22
-Jade's pov-
Today was my first day at the 'Hello Anime' store, and you have no idea how excited I was. I decided that I was going to dye my hair light pink with hot pink tips. It kind of fit the amine store's look.
I got dressed with black ripped skinnies and my uniform t-shirt. Which I must say, Im in love with.
I headed out the door and felt the cool, crisp air sweep my hair back. It's never to hot and never too cold in California, which Is a big difference from Georgia.
I walked down the street and slowly made my way to the mall. I walked in the store and said hey to Caleb.
I started to do Inventory when Caleb walked into the back room and told me he needed to go pick up our new shipments, and I would have to run the cash register. I nodded along to everything he said as is If I knew what he was talking about.
"You okay being left alone for an hour?" He asks. I nod.
He waved goodbye and walked out of the store, leaving me alone. I was having a tiny panic attack on the inside. I was never capable of doing things like this without guidance, and he just left me here on my first day.
I decided to dust the shelves and position the characters so they would look better.
I was almost done with the characters when I heard a 'ding', indicating that somebody had entered the store. "Hello there, welcome to Hello Anime." I say, not looking up. "Do you have any Totoro?" I hear an unmistakable voice ask. I immediately know who it is.
"Uhh yeah, on this shelf." I say. I turn around to the boy with my head still down. "Uh mam? Are you alright?" He asks, and I'm forced to look up at him. He gasps. "Jade?" He asks.
"Hi Marco." I say through my teeth.
"I didn't know you worked here.." He says awkwardly. There is a long pause before I decide to speak. "What are you doing here?" I ask.
"I uhm.. I came here to buy an apology present for Cheyenne." He states. "Oh, I see." I say bitterly. "What do you see that you're interested in?" I ask, putting on false perkiness.
"She said Totoro was her favorite." He says, and I almost choke. I know that a lot of people have Totoro as their favorite, but out of all people, why did it have to be Cheyenne? Totoro has been my favorite ever since I was in 4th grade.
"Well, what were you thinking? A big fluffy one, or one she can put on a keychain?" I ask, still using that fake perkiness. "A big fluffy one." He answers and I got pick one out for him. "Here." I say and he follows me to the register. "12.50." I say and he hands me the money. He starts to walk away and I just stand there, with my head down.
He turns back to me before he leaves. "Jade, I'm really sorry." He says. There's a pause, as if he was waiting for me to accept, but I just shake my head. I soon hear him leave the store, and I sit down behind the counter and hug my knees to my chest.
I wanted him to be out of my life, now he's slowly nudging his way in.
I just don't want to be hurt again.
-Cheyennes pov-
I was sitting on the edge of my bed, thinking. "Was it really worth giving up Marco because of Jade?" I keep asking myself. I soon just decide to talk to Marco, even if him and Jade haven't made up.
I get up and search for my phone, so I can call and tell him to come over. I see that it's not on my dresser or my bed. I start to search my house until I find that I left it on the coffee table in the living room.
I was just about to dial Marco's number when I heard a knock at the door. I groan and drop my phone on the couch. I open the door to find a person with a hood over their head, facing away from me.
"Hello?" I ask and they turn around. I gasp. At first, I gasped at who was standing in front of me. But then it was because of what the person was holding.
"Hey." The boy says as he shoots me a dimpled smile. "MARCO!" I scream and go to hug him, but the giant Totoro he's holding makes it difficult.
"I bought this for you." He says, and rubs the back if his neck. "You always talked about how much you loved the anime." He smiles.
"AW MAH GOSH THANK YOU!!" I squeal and go to hug him again, and this time it's easier because he set the giant stuffed animal aside. "I was literally about to call you to apologize." I say.
"But how is Jade?" I ask. "Or have you not spoken to her?"
"I saw her at the anime store. She was working there, and I didn't recognize her at first because she dyed her hair... Again." He says.
"Of course." I roll my eyes and smile.
He comes inside and sits on the couch with me and my new Totoro.
We sat and talked for hours and I feel asleep right there with him.
And at that moment, I knew everything was going to be okay.
Sorry for the wait guys! But you can't exactly blame me, It was my writer's block.
And sorry it's such a short chapter, I suck. .-.
But anywhore, I'm so happy that I finally reached 500 reads ^.^ and it's all thanks to you guys.
I love ya!
But yeah, imma stop babbling... For now.
Byeeeee my little chibi bunny babies!

Broken (Finished)
Teen FictionJade isn't a normal girl. She is beaten, bullied, abused, and ignored by everyone in her life. Her mother is dead, her father is a drunk, and her best friend committed suicide, leaving her with no friends. She is determined to commit suicide on th...