Chapter: 3 Your dad is marrying a twenty two year old

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I walk into the libary and look around until I see Noah sitting at a table in the far left.

"Hey Bree" He says with a dumb smirk.

"Hi" I greet wishing to be any where eles but here.

I sit down at the table across from him, there is bearly anybody around.

"Okay so I was thinking we could go for an easy one like the balcony scene from Romeo and Juliet" He suggests.

"Sure I don't mind" I say immediately regreting agreeing because that is a very romantic scene.

"Before we start working, I thought this scene is very romantic so we should get to know each other so we can convey more chemistry" He say a smirk appearing on his face.

"Okay, fine if you think thats best"I say deciding to get over myself and actually talk to him.

"Okay I'll start, my name is Noah Michael Gold, my name Michael because that was  my grandfathers    name. I turn eighteen on the 11th of december. I have two older brothers Liam and Adam. They are both in college, Liam is twenty two and Adam is twenty.  The reason I moved to Oakland is because my parent just got divorced because my father cheated on my mother after twenty five years of marriage. My parents share custody of me but because I moved here from Texas  and I turn eighteen soon enough, I just stay with my mom and only see my dad once in a blue moon" He explains.

"Sorry about your parents"I say a little shocked about how much infromation he just threw at me.

"It's fine its better this way my mom is much happier and my dad gets to live the rest of his life with his mistress who is soon going to my step mother. Which is a bit weird for Liam because she was in his class in school."He tells laughing a little at the end .

"Your dads marrying a twenty two year old" I can't help but laugh.

"Yep. Any way enough about tell me about you. Tell me about the thing you had to do after school?"He asks

"Well my name is Aubree Valerie Evans. My middle name is Valerie because my birthday is one day after valentines day. I'm seventeen. I have no siblings that I know of and what I was doing after school was picking up my daughter." I explain.

"You have a daughter?"He asks in disbelief.

"Yep"I say proudly thinking of my beautiful baby girl.

"Wow you look good for a girl who just popped a baby out".He says probally not thinking.

"Em..Thank you but it was three years ago I hope regained my figure by now"I joked.

"Whats her name?"He asks.

"Ember Kylie Summers"I say proudly.

"Ember as in like fire.Why did you name her that?"He asks laughing.

"Don't laugh. We named her that because she was the fire under our ass to be better people" I explain.

"I'm guessing from her last name her father is Ben summer the wide reciver"He guesses.

"Yep, He's one of my best friends"I say honestly.

"So you guys are not together" He asks..

"God no we broke up three years ago and he is with Lauren Palmer you know that cheerleader"I added.

"And you dating anyone?"He wonders.

"No I'm far too busy with Ember plus I'm Ben summers girl no guy comes in five feet of me without Caleb, Logan, Ben and Brooke becoming the spanish inquisition."I laugh knowing my friends would be must scarier.

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