SURPRISE!!!!!!!! :D

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Sooooo.... I know that I have already put up and Epilogue, but I have a surprise that I want to let all you fans know about!!!! :D

butt...... I am making a sequel to Size 56DDD!!!!

It is probably going to be called Size 15A

Brief summary of what it is going to be about: Size 15A is going to be about Barbie and SImon's daughter (i dont know what her name is going to be) and she goes to Beech High School in Tennessee. (Barbie and Simon move because Simon gets a job as a doctor) She goes through school getting made fun of because she is scrawny and nerdy.

Barbie gives her daughter her old diary letting her know all the crap she had to go through in high school and that one summer.

Now... I know that this book is based  a LONG time after Size 56DDD ended, but I want (whatever her name is going to be) to go through high school so that you can relate her to Barbie. I hope that you guys will enjoy this so.....


(see you in either one of my previous books or in upcoming Size 15A)

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