Chapter Seven

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Jesus Paid It All ~ Newsboys

Jane's P.O.V. 

Waking up for Church was hard, I had stayed up to late last night. Getting ready half asleep was even harder.  Meandering down the stairs and into the living room I find all of my friends semi-awake.

"UP AND AT 'EM DARLINGS!" I say with more gusto then I should have.

They all groan.

"Dudes Church is in forty-five minutes!"

Kenz jumps up and shrieks "I haven't showered yet!"

"Kenz, TMI!" Ryan jealously states, not want the 'Boys' to imagine it.

Kenz runs out of the living room.

"Who wants pancakes?"  I ask.

*Time Skippy, its late please forgive me...*

Driving the Silverado to Church with Cole, and two of the 'Boys'. Ryan following in his Black Dodge Ram, with Kenz and the other three 'Boys'. Pulling in we rush to sit down in the back, taking up a whole pew, except for a space open next to me.

Service starts with prayer and then singing, Jesus Paid It All. In the middle of the song, someone slides in next to me. Kenz, on my right, starts to poke my side, I glance at her. She had a look of fear written all over her face. Peering at the rest of them I notice looks of horror, and Cole had a look of revulsion. Curious as to their expressions I turn towards Kenz, and mouth "What?"  She points to behind me, and mouths the one thing I fear.... "Finch."

As the song ends the Pastor tells us to greet one-another. I shakily turn to the left and face my fear head on. Well by looking up that is.

"Hello Mr. Ranier"












"Hello Little Bird."

//////Authors Note//////

Yellow Darlings! So sorry I haven't updated since last year, I had some problems with my teeth. Two wisdom teeth removed, 17 and 32 I think.  It sucked, I was going to update last week but ya... I was not up to it. And I am so sorry that this is so short, I am going to up date tomorrow at some point.

But hey, JANE FINALLY SPOKE TO FINCH. I told you something big would happen.

But just you wait. Next chappie, well lets just say some-thing/one happens.... Could be a fight, could be a kidnapping, could be a kiss....


I'M EVIL >_< 

Later Darlings!


PS. If my writing about Jesus and God and the Holy Spirit, bothers you please feel free to stop reading this story as they will be throughout this story, a necessity.

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