Chapter Nine

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California Dreamin' ~ The Mamas & The Papas

The Date...

Jane's P.O.V.

Breathing heavily, from going about one-hundred miles-per-hour, I calm myself down as we enter a large parking lot. 

"The Fairgrounds? Why are we at the fairgrounds?" I question Finch.

"Because Love, it is the quintessential date. Now come." He spoke softly in a deep rumbling voice, that sent shivers along my spine.

Pulling into a space between two other vehicles he tells me to sit tight, as he gets out of the truck and comes round to my side opening my door. 'How sweet, and gentlemanly of him.' my subconscious speaks out. Sliding out of the truck he takes my hand leading me to the fair.

"Thank you." I speak my gratitude.

"Love, you deserve to be treated like a queen," He smiles down at me.


"No buts Love. You will be treated with respect. I am sorry for the way I was treating you with those messages and for sending my men to watch you. But I want you safe. Some of my... Acquaintances are of the unsavory lot, and I was worried for you."

"I have the 'Boys' who watch out for me, Finch. I am pretty safe."

"I know that Love, but I am easily jealous of those 'Boys'. So I apologize for that."

"Finch, lets not talk about depressing things. Let us focus on the here and now. And right now, I want some cotton candy, or an elephant ear." *

"Then Little Bird, we shall get both."


Thoroughly enjoying the fair, I ended up with three very large stuffed animals: a yellow bear named Winnie, a grey rabbit named George, and a white unicorn named Jewel.**  

          Finch and I were secured in a gondola on the Ferris-wheel with them. By now it was evening and the stars were coming out. He was staring at me, causing a deep blush to cover my face.

"Could you please stop staring?" I ask turning my face away from him.

"You beauty outshines the stars, Love, I could not help but stare."

I look toward him, with affection in my eyes.

"Finch, thank you for this wonderful day. I don't understand why people think you cruel."

"My Love. That is a story, for another time..."

"I am starting to trust you. I even am starting to really like you."

He moved closer, placing an arm around my shoulders, and picking up one of my hands in his free one.

"That is all I will ask of you for now, Little Bird. You trusting in me, pleases me greatly." He whispered, leaning in to place a soft kiss upon my cheek. Making me giggle quietly from nerves.

"Thank you for the best first date, that I have ever had Finch." I reply, returning the gift of a cheek kiss. 

'The 'Boss' as he is called is really just a sweetheart... Or is this just a ruse?'

//////Authors Note\\\\\\

Hello Darlings!

*= cotton candy is a pure sugar treat, often called candy floss. And elephant ears are deep fried bread type things, with either powder sugar or cinnamon+sugar topping.

**= References to some of my favorite characters. See if you can correctly guess where they are from. They are all fictional.

Three chapters in three days. I think thats good. But I would like some feedback from my readers. Please?

I also was wondering, would you like a character list? I can easily type it up if its wanted.

If you see typos, or misspellings, please point those out. It helps me greatly.

Thank you Darlings!


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