Chapter 3

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While the team and I were walking around the mansion type building, we were done with the case, we found out 'Oliver Davis' was a fake... I kinda knew that my parents were close to the Davis family... Oliver isn't that old... I never met him but my mum always said he was around my age. I smiled at the thought of my mom and dad, my twin... Letting out a small laugh I continued walking with Monk to collect cameras. We couldn' exercise this spirit... It was a creature that's been here too long... Turned into a demon type thing... We have to burn the house. I and Monk finished collecting the cameras and walked back to the base where everyone was waiting, we put them into boxes and picked them up slowly, carrying the heavy boxes to the car. They dropped me off at home, I got out and walked into the dark apartment, i dropped my bag at the door to my room and walked in, I stripped and took a shower, got dressed and fell asleep.

^.^.^Naru^.^.^ The Next Day^.^.^

I sat in my chair typing, I rubbed my eyes slightly as I looked at the time. I had been up all night remembering the case and going over it in my head. Lin walked into the room andgave me a nod, I nodded back and got up clsoing my laptop slowly and putting it in my bag, after i got dressed we went to SPR. I went to my office and sat down, taking the laptop out again and typing. I started typing an email to mother and father.

'Dear mother and father, 

I would like to inform you I received news not to too long ago that Ryuu and Sakura Taniyama along with the eldest twin sister were murdered a few years ago, I'm sorry to have to tell you. Good night' 

I finished and closed the laptop, walking out of the room slowly and sitting in one of the chairs waiting for Mai to come into the office, late per usual. I smirked and shook my head, when hasn't she been late once? Never.


I woke up slowly and got dressed in my normal casual clothes, I walked to work, checking my watch every few minutes, 'I'm going to be on time today!' I thought with a look of proudness on my face as I continued on, I lost track of time as a kitten rubbed my foot slowly, I picked her up and pet her for a few minutes. I checked my watch after I set her down again. My eyes widened.

"Damn it!" I yelled and ran to the SPR building, I was late... I groaned out quietly as I entered the office.

"Mai! Late as usual! Tea!" I heard Naru yell from the other room, I sighed and walked into the kitchenette, starting some water on the burner, while I waited I walked into the conference room and asked Lin if he would like any.

"Yes, thank you." I nodded and heard the noise signaling the water was at a boil, I put some sugar into the cups and poured the water in after setting the tea bags in each of them, I watched the water changed a dark brown color. I grabbed the creamer and added some to each cup, grabbing a tray to carry them on, I walked out of the kitchen area and into the conference area, handing each of them their cups, Lin thanked me again while Naru continued reading. I sighed knowing I'll never get a thank you from him.

~~Author's Note~~

Soo? Like it? Or did you like the old chapter? Eh, too late now... Sorry if you liked the old chapters... I plan on rewriting ALL of this book along with another few books throughout this week! A few chapters every day! HAve a nice Day/Night Love you guys!

Sincerely, Lucy <3

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