
597 11 4

Like...Wow.... I only really check this story every now and then since it's finished.... But my god... 12.5 THOUSAND VIEWS!?!! Oh my god guys thank you oh so much for that many views!! I didn't really think i could get that many views... Considering this book has only been up for about two years... Thank you all sooooooooooo much!!!!

Alright!! Update!! I just can't believe this book keeps growing! Like, thank you so much, everyone!! We are now at 13.6 THOUSAND views!!! 7-23-17

Another update! How?! This book sucks! I don't get how it has 14.4 THOUSAND views... I don't remember when I published the first chapter... Maybe a year or two ago... I don't know... But I have other books that are so much better than this one... But thank you guys for reading this crappy book... It means a lot... 9-9-17

And... Yet another!! Only like what? 200 more views to get 15k? wow... I can't believe it... I really cant! I remember when this was just starting! Now it's here! Thank you all for reading this book and taking the time to sit down and read the sucky chapters... It means a lot to me.

Thank you.


Annnndddd..... I'm back!! 15.8 almost 9 THOUSAND VIEWS!? HOW. THE. ACTUAL. HELL??? it may not seem like I care too much about this book, but I really hold it dear to my heart in some way, this was my first book published and it's lasted so so long. I love you guys so much and thank you to everyone who has read this through and through, I wish I could give shoutouts, but... I just can't, it would be such a long list of people, I really love you guys a lot! Thank you for making this book what it is today, you motivated me to finish it, you motivated me to continue even though it was very very crappy. Thank you.


Just keeps growing... Doesn't it...?


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just... WHAT? I can't fathom how... This got THAT number of reads... It surpasses my logic... I love you all so much... Thank YOU for getting this book that far... I love you guys.


Hey, Eliza here, happy to see this book is still going (somewhat) strong. And happy to announce 'Mai's Story (Nare x Mai)' has reached---- 

23295 Reads

744 Votes

Thank you all that have read this mismatched, noncohesive garbage.

-Eliza signing out. 


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