Chapter 18

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Naru and I walked down the street pushing the stroller lightly in front of us, Naru having one hand on my waist, the other on the stroller on my hand. I smiled slightly and looked around slightly, we were passing by the hospital, I saw a couple holding hands arguing with a few nurses.

"Mr.Taniyama, I understand you and your wife want to find your daughter but please... You can't leave the hospital so suddenly..." I stopped and listened in on their conversation.

"Please... After knowing how long I and my wife have been in a coma... We have to find her..." The man with light brown hair said with a frown on his features.

"Mai... Darling...? What's wrong... Come on... Let's keep going, or are you tired?" Naru asked in concern, I looked at him then breathed out a sigh, the man looked at us and whispered something to his wife. They walked over to us.

"I'm sorry to disturb your conversation... But could we know your name..." The wife spoke up softly, with a smile gracing her lips.

"Davis... Mai Allexis Davis... Is my married name... My given last name is Taniyama... Why Ma'am...?" I smiled softly at the couple, the woman looked at me and teared up while a hand went to her mouth.

"Mai... I know this sounds... Odd... Coming from strangers... But what are your parent's names...?" The man asked gently (give me a minute.... I forgot their names... Got it!) 

"Ryuu, my father, and my mother, Sakura, they aren't here with us anymore..." The nurse approached me with a sad smile.

"I'm so sorry... I sorry we informed you the people you thought were your parents had died... They weren't... They were visitors... Taking care of your sister... We didn't find out till recently..." I was in shock, Naru tightened his hold on me and rubbed circles on my hip.


I watched Mai take in the new information I was going to tell her later, I held her close to my side and rubbed small circles on her hip, I saw the man, who I assumed to be Mai's actual father, considering the name the nurse had said earlier... I looked down at Mai and noticed a small tear forming in the corner of her eye, I pulled the stroller that had two giggling baby boys in it, I smiled at them softly and wiped the small tear away from Mai's eye with my thumb.

"Mai... Love? We should be getting home... Madoka asked to talk to you later... And Lin will start to worry soon..." Mai nodded slightly and looked at the couple standing in front of us.

"You don't happen to be Luelle and Martins child... Do you?" The woman asked me, I bowed to her slightly and nodded my head.

"Yes... I am ma'am..." She smiled at me and giggled slightly.

"I figured that they would have such a handsome boy for a son..." She said holding her husband's hand, Mai wrapped an arm around my torso and rested her head on my side.

"Ms. and Mr. Taniyama... You should head back inside now... To recover..." The nurse's voice broke the small silence that was formed. The couple nodded and told Mai they would see her soon, I smiled and looked down at Mai, who was smiling.

"Are you happy or mad that I kept that information from you, dear?" I asked with slight hesitation.

"It feels nice hearing my parents voice again... I'm happy..." Mai said slowly, a tear sliding down her cheek, she smiled and picked up Ichigo.

"You boys are gonna have another pair of overly-excited grandparents..." She kissed Ichigo's nose softly and placed him back in the stroller gently.


"Welcome home you four~!" Madoka's voice was the first thing we heard entering the house. I smiled and chuckled softly.

"Haha, hello to you too Madoka!" I called back picking up Toshiro and carrying him out into the living room with Naru close behind, holding a squirming Ichigo, I placed Toshiro in the crib softly. Madoka came up to me and grabbed my hand gently.

"C-can I talk to you in private... About something..." Her voice soft and hesitant, I gave a concerned look to Lin who shrugged with just as much confusion as me, I nodded and took her wrist in my hand, leaving the room and going up to mine and Naru's bedroom.

"What is it Madoka, you can tell me anything..." I said softly, placing my hand on her shoulder gently. She whispered her answer you, all I caught of it was 'I... Pregnant... Scared... Lin...' I gave a confused look and tried to piece it together.

"One more time... A bit louder..."

"I... I think I'm pregnant... And I'm scared of what Lin is gonna say..." She gave a concerned look, I smiled and took her to the connected bathroom.

"There should be tests in the cabinet... Go take one..." I said with a soft voice, she nodded and went into the room, closing the door behind her.


"Well... What is it Madoka..?" I asked placing my hand on the walls beside the bathroom door, the door opened and a little stick was shown to me, two black lines on the screen, I smiled happily and looked at her. She had a very scared look on her face, I smiled and took the stick lightly in my hand and took her wrist with my other hand. I walked back downstairs and into the living room, hiding the pregnancy test behind my back. Lin looked up and smiled slightly at Madoka and nodded to me in acknowledgment. I nodded back and placed the stick on his lap.

"This isn't mine..." I said and walked off leaving Madoka to Lin, I heard shuffling, then a small sniffle, I looked back and smiled widely at the small scene. Lin had Madoka wrapped in his long arms, Madoka had tears in her eyes as Lin had a slightly stunned face, a grabbed Naru's wrist gently and picked up Ichigo who was crawling on his lap. Naru picked up Toshiro and followed me upstairs. I laid the kids on the center of the bed and NAru laid down on the right of them both, I laid down on the left. 

"I love you Mai..." Naru whispered gently before falling asleep.

"I love you too Naru..."

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