Chapter 22

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~Third Person~

As the group of people walked into the house Mai greeted them with two wobbling toddlers at her feet. She smiled at everyone and invited them into the living room.

"Welcome home Oliver..." He smiled slightly and picked up the two children before giving a small kiss to his wife.

"Thank you, love... Mother, father, Ryuu-san, and Sakura-san are going to be coming over soon... Tomorrow at the latest, alright?" She nodded and continued on her way to the kitchen to make tea.

~Time Skip~

As the day came to an end the group bid them farewell and left the house, Lin and Madoka stayed behind for a bit longer to talk.

"Mai, did you really feel this sore..?"

"Have you gotten an ultrasound done, yet?" Madoka nodded and smiled.

"Yea, just one..." Mai chuckled softly.

"Ohh~ Hun, I felt a lot worst... These two little runts were kicking and punching like no tomorrow... All day..." Madoka sighed and rubbed her back softly.

"Ugh... Lin..? When we get home can you get me sushi..?" Lin chuckled softly and nodded slightly, smiling softly at his wife as she smiled happily. Mai smiled and set Toshiro on the floor to walk around and play with Ichigo. Soon the two boys were giggling and laughing as they wobbled around and hugged. Naru and Mai waved at the couple got up and left, leaving the house to the small Davis family.

Mai picked up Ichigo and brought him into the bathroom, cleaning him up and brushing his teeth softly, Naru following soon behind. They both put the children in their beds and let them get settled into them before leaving and turning the lights off. As the adults left the room, Mai closed the door softly and walked to their room to go to bed themselves.

~Time Skip~ Again~

When the next day rolled around Mai was the first one awake, she slowly got out of bed and stretched then got dressed in a cute dun dress. Then walked to the boy's room to get them changed and fed, the boys where off bottles. They ate with Mai and Naru. As Mai picked them up from their beds and got them dressed, the three walked downstairs Mai, Naru was stumbling around getting dressed upstairs. When Naru came downstairs, dressed and fixing his tie, Mai was setting the table while the twins watched with interest as their mother pittered around.

When the family finally settled in and ate their breakfast of pancakes and eggs, Naru having coffee, Mai having tea and the boys having milk.

~Time Skip~ Again... Sorry~

As Mai cleaned the dishes Naru and the boys went into the living room to watch tv, a knock sounded from the front door. Oliver stood up and walked over casually and opened the door, greeting his parents, mother-in-law, and father-in-law. Another woman with a small five or six-year-old girl latched onto her leg tightly, greeted him and entered the home behind Ryuu and Sakura.

"Hello, you must be... Aiko..? Right?" Naru asked with a slight smile towards the woman, who nodded and introduced her daughter.

"Yes, and this is my daughter, Mimi, say 'hello' sweetie..." The small girl looked up and smiled then waved slightly.

"Hello, uncle Oliver..." Naru smiled down at her and gave her a quick pat on the head before calling over Ichigo and Toshiro.

"These are my sons, Ichigo," Ichigo smiled happily and waved with his arm, "And Toshiro, say 'hello' boys..." Toshiro smiled slightly and waved shyly.

"How old are they?" 

"Two going on three in about five months..." Aiko nodded slightly and smiled, Mai exited the kitchen and entered the living room, greeting her parents with a hug along with Naru's parents.

"That's really Mai..?" Aiko said in a soft voice with a smile, Naru nodded slightly and smiled at his wife.

"Mai, look who else is here," Mai looked over and smiled before walking over.

"Aiko..?" She nodded slightly and smiled before the two walked off talking to each other. The boys took ahold of Mimi's hands and walked over to the couch before crawling onto them and smiling at the tv. Mimi smiled and joined them. The whole family has reunited again, and he came to terms with that he was happy.

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