Chapter 4

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As the workday ended with a small case that Naru took on, we found out it was just some stupid kids playing trick... I sighed softly as we headed back to the office, I saw two men standing outside the office, one man was very tall while the other looked fourteen or fifteen, I smiled as I recognized them, I walked over to them and greeted them.

"Ciel Phantomhive... My dearest cousin... How have you been?" He looked up at me and smiled slightly.

"I've been fine, thank you," I nodded, his accent coming out in his voice heavily, I looked up at the taller man.

"Sebastian, and how are you?" He smiled at me and patted my head slightly

"I've been fine, thank you for asking," Lin and Naru walked past us with some equipment with the other members of the team, I invited them in, Ciel followed me in while Sebastian grabbed some boxes and walked in with four or five in his hands, setting them on the floor near the door.

Once both of them are sat down and comfy I left the room and made Earl Gray tea for everyone, with sugar and some cream, I walked back out with a tray full of cups. Handing them out I started talking to the two people.

"It's been awhile since I've seen you both... How was England? Did you miss home?" Ciel nodded briefly before taking his tea and sipping it.

"Yes... I missed England greatly... I haven't been there in forever...." He gave me a brief smile.

"And how are you, don't you miss England even a bit?" I shook my head.

"No, I'm perfectly fine here.... Thank you for your concern though Ciel. Sebastian, how is Liz?" He gave me a smile mixed with a smirk.

"She's  doing fine, thank you for the concern Mai." I nodded and sat with Naru and Lin, introducing the two strangers to the group I call my family. As the team started to get to know them I heard a knock then some yelling, I got up and went to the door, opening it.

"Sebastian Michaelis!! Where the hell are you, you bastard of a god damned demon!" A woman with brown locks and dark brown eyes yelled I sighed after recognizing the voice. Liz... Sebastian's wife...

"Welcome, Liz..." She growled and walked into the room where the group was and dragged Sebastian out by the tie, choking him slightly, he still had a smile on his lips as he was dragged out, he struggled to talk as he walked by.

"I love her too much to get to too mad...." I chuckled and bid him luck as I shut the door once I heard yelling from outside. I walked back to the group and smiled at them.

"That was Sebastian's wife, Liz... She's very violent when angry..." I said quietly as I sat down listening to the small talk going on around me.

~~Author's Time~~

Ahh... This chapter took some thinking... I wanted to keep the theme of the chapter... But like... It was really hard to think of it.... This chapter only took me 15 minutes to type... It might not be long, but I tried... Thanks for reading!

<3 Lucy~

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