Chapter 14

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I started waking up, felling something or someone tugging on my ankle, I rubbed my eyes and looked around, noticing I wasn't in mine and Naru's room anymore, yet in the basement? I looked down at my ankle and saw the child from yesterday.

"Oh... Hello again..." He smiled at me and crawled up to my face.

"Hi... Where's mummy...?" I smiled sadly.

"I don't know where your mum is..."

"You aren't my mummy?" I shook my head and saw a ghastly white figure start forming from the corner, black hair hanging in her face and a ripped up red dress hanging from her limbs.

"It's.... Your.... Fault...." She said in a raspy voice walking towards us, I stood up from my sitting position, my legs wobbled slightly as I stood in front of the ghost child.

"What's his fault?"

"He... He left me... Because of that child... My lover... Left me to die.... After I gave birth... To that thing...." I frowned slightly and placed my hand on the kids head softly.

"A mother shouldn't say that... To her child..."

"You'll... NEvEr... UNdeRsTaND!!" She yelled with a raspy, thick, voice, lifting her head to reveal a woman with sunken in eyes, a pale face, red beady eyes with blood oozing out of her mouth. She started advancing towards us, I gulped slightly and started the mantra Monk taught me so long ago. She kept getting closer, I finished the mantra and started the nine cuts. She just kept coming like nothing was happening, I felt a slight pain welling up in my chest, a heat moving from my lungs to my hand, I pressed my hand forward as she was three feet away and a bright white and blue beam shot out. At that moment Lin, Naru, and John ran in, the woman disappeared as I collapsed onto the hard ground barely able to breathe, my head pounding from pain and my leg wobbly. The boy stood in front of me and muttered.

"Thank you..." Before disappearing, Naru ran over to me as my arms gave out on holding me up and let me drop to the ground, passing out as my lungs stopped taking in the air.

"Mai!!" Was the last thing I heard....

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