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I walked down the stairs and seen Nash waiting by the door for me.

"Hey ready to go?" I asked as he looked up at me. "Wow Claire you look beautiful!" Nash exclaimed.

"Thanks you don't look to bad yourself" I said. "Shall we?" Nash asked as he held out his arm.

I wrapped my arm around his then said. "We shall" we laughed then left.


We got to the restaurant and it was really fancy.

"Nash this place is really fancy are you sure?" I asked. "Only the best for you" he said.

He walked out and he came to my side and opened the door for me. "Thanks" I said.

We walked in an went to that guy that gives you your seats.

"Hello are you on this list?" The man asked. "Grier" Nash said. "Oh yes here you are miss. And mr. Grier" the man said.

I giggle at the fact the Nash put us down and husband and wife but I'm fine with that.

We go shown our table. We walk over to the booth and sat down.

"Here are you menus" a lady said handing us a menu then winking at Nash.

That makes me so angry.

"See anything you like?" Nash asked.
"I'm just gonna have a salad" I said. "I'm gonna have the steak" Nash said and we both laughed.

The lady came back to get our orders.

"What would you like handsome" she said to Nash biting her lip. "I would like the steak" he said and she wrote it down.

She turned to me. "And what would you like" she said rolling her eyes at me.

"Just a salad" I said and she wrote it down. "And drinks?" She asked.

"I would like a Sprite" I said " and I would like a Coke" Nash said.

She wrote it down then left.

"You look very beautiful tonight" Nash said. "Don't you have a girlfriend lover boy?" I asked giggling a bit.

"I broke up with her" Nash said. "Why?" I asked. "I realized I don't love her I love you" he said making me blush.

Our orders came and the lady slipped Nash a piece of paper probably with her number on it.

Once the lady left Nash crumpled the paper and threw it away.

"Why'd you throw away her number?" I asked. "Because I love you" Nash said.


We finished eating when Nash said he had something to ask me.

"Okay as away" I said a bit confused.

Nash got down on one knee and pulled out a small box, he opened the box to show a diamond ring.

I covered my mouth in shock.

"Claire will you make me the happiest guy on earth and marry me?" He asked.

I stood up. "Yes Nash!" I said and hugged him then pecked his lips. Oh how I missed doing that.

Everyone around us clapped then Nash out the ring on my finger.

"I love you" he said. "I love you more" I replied. "Not possible" he laughed. "Yes possible"  he said.


We got home and Nash came out the car then ran to my side to open the door for me.

I stepped out the car and thanked him.

We walked back into the house and seen all the guys waiting at the front when you walk in and Emily must be sleeping.

"Nash proposed!" I said excitedly and all the guys congratulated us.


Hey guys! Sorry this chapter was short! Comment and vote💕

Love ya😘

Stepbrother 2 (a Nash Grier fanfic) sequel to stepbrotherWhere stories live. Discover now