Mutual Feelings.

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*Lizzy's POV*

Since the day of my accident Jungkook hasn't left my side. He keeps an eye on me in case i needed help with anything. Of course all the other members are doing the same, however since I broke my arm, jungkookie won't even let me hold my own coat, much less anything heavier. However,it's nice having him around me, the distance between us has been closing. It's like we were never in bad terms in the first place but our feelings for each other hasn't changed. For, ever so often he would come check on me at night while i'm asleep and kiss me on the forehead. I pretend that i'm sleeping each time so he would do so. I really do like him.... I probably love him. He's my first love, but we can't be together.


During the day today we have a break, then we have a live stage and an after party to attend to. It's our first break in a long time. We are difinitely going to enjoy it. 

I rushed over to V hyung's room. V hyung is the most playful, when I have no schedules, we sit and watch anime or read webtoons together. 

"V hyungggggggggg!!!!! Let's finish reading 'Noblesse'!!!!" I called out to V hyung.

When I entered his room, he and Jungkookie were play games. I then poked him and started pestering him to play with me.

"Aish these kids, Just now Lizzy-ah, Jungkookie wants me to finish this game with him." He replied while keeping his eyes on the screen. I then looked at Jungkook and gave him a mocking face and proceeded to sit next to Jimin hyung who was playing on his phone with Hoseok Hyung. I then rested my head on top of Jimin Hyungs' lap with a pouting face. Just then Jungkook turned around to mock me. He gave me a big bright yet evil smile and then winked at me, he quickly turned back around before i could respond.

Wow.... that surprised me. The simplest things he does makes me melt these days. Sigh. Is this how our fans feel? I then covered my face out of frustration at how much I've fallen for him.

"Hey are you feeling sick?" I heard Jungkook asking. I then opened my hands to see who he was talking to, but to my surprise he was infront of me, our faces inches apart. I then once again recalled our kiss in my head which made me flush red. I quickly told him i was fine and spun around to bury my face him Jimin's tummy.

"Are you sure" he then asked.

"Mm" I replied without facing him.


*In the night after the live stage, at the after party*

Wow... there really are alot of people here, from idols to distinguished guest to just random people. I'm not the party type, but the boys are really enjoying themselves. They are all dancing and interacting with the other idols but me on the other hand lacks social skills. On top of that, my arm is still broken, so maybe i should just take a seat in a corner.

I found the most secluded corner and sat down leaning against the wall. I just looked at the boys having fun but it was enough for me. They really are weird. I can hear Hobi hyung all the way here. Heh but i love them just the way they are. 

Just then I saw a silhouette of a man coming towards me. The mysterious man then sat directly opposite me in the same table i was sitting in, while holding a drink in his hand. He was very handsome, seemed wealthy by his clothing and also looked drunk. He just stared at me while not saying a word for about 5 minutes. I began to feel very uncomfortable, but i cannot disrespect him, he maybe a distinguished guess. Aish! How do i get myself out of this situation! Just then he leaned foward towards me and smirked. "You're very beautiful. You're not from around here are you? Should we go for a ride?" I heard him say. Huh? Does he not know who i am? Does he think i'm just a random guest? Suddenly i saw his hand approaching my face. Oh no! What should i do. Should i tell him i'm an idol. He obviously doesn't know who i am, will he believe me? He wants me to be his play thing for the night i bet. Someone get me out of this misunderstanding.

Sudddenly the hand that was approaching me stopped. When i looked up Jungkook was next to me holding the man's hand. 

"I'm sorry sir, she's not someone you can touch so easily. Our manager wants the group to stay together, so i'll be taking her with me." Said Jungkook then giving a huge bow while grabbing my wrist and then practically dragging me away.

I sighed a breath of relief. Thank goodness Jungkook came to save me. "Thanks kookie, that was close." I said to jungkook while chuckling. "Paaabooo... don't cause trouble." He replied.

The both of us then continued walking around in the emty parts of the building while him still holding my wrist.

"Wouldn't the hyungs worry about us?" I asked while breaking the silence.

"Mm? Ah! No, I told them i was going to stay with you because i was tired. So Jimin hyung said yes while giving me a weird smile. He really is strange these days." Jungkook replied while shaking his head.

*chuckles* "You're all weird! But you rank #1 in weirdness!" I replied teasingly.

Jungkook then turned his head towards me giving me a face expression of disbelief and shock.

I laughed out loud at his funny but very cute face expression. He then smiled back at me.

I then felt his hand that was holding my wrist slide down to hold my hand. His fingers entertwined itself with mine while squeezing tightly. I then responsed by also squeezing back tightly. 

"Your laugh is always cute." He said while turning a light shade of pink.

I flushed red on hearing him say that. He's not the type to compliment people, yet he was saying these words to me. He keeps making me fall for him even more.

"Hey kookie... I like you." I suddenly said with my eyes closing from embarassment. We had both stopped walking now. It was completely silent for about a minute, which felt like an eternity. Suddenly i felt his breath on my lips. He then leaned in and kissed me. I felt butterflies in my tummy, so i kissed him back. He then rose his hand that was not holding mine to cup my jawline to my neck, while I also used my free hand to grip onto his jacket zipper line to hold up myself. We stayed like that for at least 30 seconds. We then parted lips while being slightly out of breath from not only the kiss, but also the thrill, however we kept our grips on each other.

"Let's work something out...... I.... want to be with you." He said while turning into a tomato.

"Mm" i responded while also turning red.

(To be continued.... ^_^) this was a fun chapter to write....

Next Chapter: Confession #2

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