10. I Don't Do Whores

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He walked into the cafeteria and all talking ceases as everyone stares at us. I blushed as he walks over to the lunch line ordering our food.

Zane takes us to a table filled with people, and unfortunately the bitch and her minions. He slides into the bench and I sit on his lap glaring at her. She glares at me mouthing 'Stay away' but I rolled my eyes at her, eating my lunch.

I looked up seeing everyone staring at me. "What?" I asked. "My name's Charlotte you can call me Char if thats what your wondering" I said raising a brow.

"Charlotte!" A voice calls out.

I look to the side seeing Amanda I smile as she walked over sitting beside Zane.

"How are you darling?" I asked in a British accent.

"Eh could be better" she said casually.

I laughed leaning into Zane. He tilts my chin upwards, kissing my lips softly causing a few 'awws' around the table. I blushed as he laughs at me softly. "So wanna be friends?" She asks. "No thanks I don't do whores" I say casually.

"Are you kidding?" She scoffs.

"Like I said earlier, my heels are higher than your standards" I said shrugging.

She screams, stomping off with her minions following behind her. "That was sexy" Zayne whispered in my ear.

I blush profusely hiding my face in my shirt. He chuckles kissing my hair.


I hear as something slaps into the back of my head. I looked up my eye slightly twitching. I look down seeing an apple and up at the bitch smiling at me. I looked down at the Apple and the up at her. I smile wickedly breaking the apple in two.

I threw the first piece at her ankle.


And the other piece at her face, slapping her right in the eye falling to the ground. I smirk as she walks over to me limping, she raises her hand to slap me but flinches when Zane grips her wrist.

"Never. Disrespect. My. Mate" he growls angrily. I smile as she limps out of the cafeteria, wrapping my legs around Zane's waist. He gets up, securing my arms around his neck and walks out of the cafeteria.

He placed a kiss on my neck making me shiver and I rest my head in the crook of his neck. Closing my eyes I softly sing

''I hear melodies in my head
Find little notes in my bed
I got songs tangled up in my hair
I see piano keys everywhere

My heart is a beating drum
Repeating my favorite song
I hear Beethoven number. 9
All the time

And it's kinda like do-re-mi
About as easy as a-b-c
Beautiful like a symphony
I'm talking about you and me here

I hear melodies in my heart
Hear melodies in my head
It was a little off key then you
melodized me and I'm better than ever

I hear melodies in my heart
Hear melodies in my head
I had the beat abit wrong but
I got a new song now

So I put my headphones on,
Plug into you
Plug into you
Boy you're my favorite song
Plug into you
Plug into you


You're so wrong
That it makes you right
Keep me,wide awake at night
I can't sleep now I know you're around

I like listening and singing to every sound
I love it when I hear your voice baby,
Well baby I don't think we really got a choice
Mozart is in the air,and I'm right here

And it's kinda like do-re-mi
About as easy as a-b-c
Beautiful like a symphony, yeah
I'm talking about you and me


I hear melodies in my heart
Hear melodies in my head
It was a little off key then you
melodized me and I'm better than ever

Hear melodies in my heart
Keep the melodies in my head
I had the beat abit wrong but
I got a new song now

So I put my headphones on,
Plug into you
Plug into you
Boy you're my favorite song
Plug into you
Plug into you


I wake up in the middle of the night
Can't stop for the melodies that I hear,
Melodies baby I hear melodies all the time,
And I'm about to go crazy

Keep on singing I'm about to see you baby,
You're my melody
And I - I hear melodies in my head

I hear melodies in my heart
Hear melodies in my head
It was little off key then you
melodized me and I'm better than ever

I hear melodies in my heart
Hear melodies in my head
I had the beat abit wrong but
I got a new song now

So I put my headphones on,
Plug into you
Plug into you
Boy you're my favorite song
Plug into you
Plug into you


I finished singing taking a deep breath remembering my parents. Zane rubbed my cheek lovingly, "You can sing?" He asked. I blushed, nodding my head.

I was ripped off Zane and thrown across the room my feet crumbling under me. I groaned as my head hit the wall. My hand flew to the back of my head and came back with blood on it.

I feel my skin being pierced and I scream out in pain the walls of the hallway shaking. I breathe heavily trying to keep my eyes open.

Black dots clouded my vision but before I fell into the darkness I felt a blow fly through my chest.


I gasped as I looked at my mate. She looked horrible. I picked her up her body limp. I listen for her heartbeat, it was slightly there. I growled angrily punching a hole through the wall. I carried her down the hallway to the nurse.

The nurse gasped dramatically looking at my mate. I sighed as she took the bullet out of her side,cleaning her wounds. She started chanting some stuff and before I could stop her Charlotte's eyes open, completely blood red. She glared at me before taking off I snapped the nurse's neck ending her.


I ran out of school into the forest I shifted my fur blood red. "Kill them" a voice in my head said. My body shifted back to human form on its own.

I pulled on some random clothes a dagger in my pocket and a bow and metal arrows over my shoulder. I run through the forest stealthily dodging trees and boulders.

I find myself in front of the asylum and I run inside stabbing the lady behind the main desk. I walk into the torture room killing everyone then I glared at everything they used to beat me.


I pour gasoline all over the floor lighting it with my fingers. I walk out of the building watching it crumble. I feel a change in me and I fall to the ground sobbing.

Im a monster.

Monsters don't deserve love.

I claw at my chest screaming when a pair of arms wrap around me. I feel the welcoming sparks and I lean into his chest.

Zane rocks me lightly, tears rolling down my cheeks. "I'm a monster, I'm a monster, I'm a monster" I repeat.

Black dots clouded my vision I welcomed them falling into the darkness.

QOTC: Favourite colour?

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