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I walk into the pack house running my hands through my hair. He was looking for me, I can feel it. I ran up the stairs and into a random room locking the door.

I inhaled realizing my mistake, this was his room. I scream as his scent captivates me, swallows me. I throw myself onto the bed crying. I wipe my tears furiously destroying the night stand beside me.

The moon goddess made a mistake, Zane and I weren't meant to be. I thought, this would happen eventually. I rolled off the bed sitting in the corner, I grab my hair slamming my head against the walls, the memories up us kissing flashing through my head.

I freeze midway slamming my head into the wall again when a pair of feet appear in front of me. I look up slowly, looking into his eyes. A tear fell from his cheek unto my nose, sparks erupting everywhere, I got up muttering "I'll leave" before side stepping him.

His hand catches my wrist spinning me around. "I'm sorry" he whispers tears running down his precious face. "No, Zane, no you can't say sorry, its not gonna make everything the way it was before. It's not going to make anything better. You didn't even let me explain. You just assumed that I ran away. And then you reject me it not gonna work. So ju-" I'm cut off by him muttering a "Dammit Charlotte" before slamming his lips against mine.

He kisses me roughly, biting my lip and sucking on my lip. My hands having a mind of their own, find their way to his hair, tugging on it. He groans pushing me against the wall. His hands finding their way to my ass, squeezing and massaging it. I gasped and he slips his tongue into my mouth, groaning.

I push his against the wall across the room, smashing my lips onto his. He growls as I wrap my legs around his waist, turning us around so I was against the wall. He sucks on my bottom lip placing wet kisses on my neck. Nibbling on my neck where my mark used to be, I feel his canines extend as he sinks them into my neck. His teeth sink into my neck marking me. I scream, but it seems to encourage him as he sink them deeper.

His hands grab my ass squeezing it and he pulls away licking the wound. My eyes close and the last thing I hear before I fall asleep is
"I love you, Charlotte, you will always be mine."

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