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His vicious laugh fills my ear as he drags me across the dungeon floor. I scream as he pushes the silver into my mouth burning my tongue. He smiles wickedly, piercing my skin with a knife.

I try to get away but he pulls me back tearing my clothes. I cover my cleavage, crying. He rips my hands away, groping my boobs. I gasp pushing him away. He scoffs pulling me towards him, he tears my bra throwing it on the floor.


I open my eyes rolling over on the bed. My hand hit something hard and I knit my brows in confusion. You'll need this to survive. Was written on a piece of paper next to a hand gun and a rifle. I scoff rolling out of bed.

I take a step away from the bed when a hand captures my neck, suffocating me. I scream grabbing one of the guns slamming it into the persons head. I pull the trigger watching as the body stumbles to the ground. I breathe slowly, answering my ringing phone putting it on speaker.

"Charlotte" I answer.

"Babe I miss you" I hear his annoying voice.

"Really?" I say pretending to be excited.

"Yeah, I get a boner when I think of you" he says excitedly.

"Well my middle finger goes a boner when I think of you" I say hanging up the phone.

I sigh walking into the bathroom. I wash my face, pieces of clothing catching my eyes. I look to the side and see a black crop, black high waisted shorts and black combat heels.

"You'll wanna look sexy for what's to come. Roses are red, violets are blue, I think its time for me to kill you. Tick tock tick tock. The time is ticking. You can't run, you can't hide. I'm afraid its your turn to die. Join your parents in the grave, 6 ft. under is where you'll stay. Watch your back I'm always there. Following you everywhere.

I'll make your life a living hell. Make sure that when the job is done all is well. I hope you die a painful death. I'm indestructible. I've been watching you for some time and I want to boil you in a fire, separating your flesh from tour bones. I want to kill slowly, draining the blood from your body. I hope you realize what its like to be ruined. I will conquer the world . Tick tock. Tick tock. The time is ticking. Your time is wasting. Prepare for what's to come. I'm watching you

Your nightmare."

I fold the paper stuffing it into the pocket of the shorts. I had a feeling I would need it later. I slip into the clothes since I had nothing else to wear and walked into the bedroom. I pick up my phone and the guns walking into the hallway. I turn the corner tripping over something, I face palmed the ground bruising my cheek.

My eyes widen when I see the dead bodies piled on top of each other, the walls of the hall stained with blood. I scream as I feeling myself being pulled reaching for the guns. The guns are kicked out of my reach and I have to struggle on my own against my capturer.

I kick and scream but it was useless they are stronger than me. A black cloth is draped over my head and my hands cuffed tightly. I'm forced to walk in the direction I am being pushed in and I sigh. My body feels numb and powerless, and I stumble over my own feet tumbling to the floor again.

I am harshly pulled up and pushed. A car door opens and I'm shoved inside. The cloth is removed from my head and is placed in my mouth.

Help me.

I mind link Zane.

I shut off the connection slapping my head against the car door. An idea comes to my mind and I pretend as though I was having a panic attack. The man beside me looks worried and takes that cuffs off. I wrap my hand around my knees making it more realistic.

My eyes wandering about, and I force tears to my eyes. I make my body tremble, his frown deepens I slam that gun into his head and shoot him, killing him. I kill the two men in the front, throwing them into the back seat.

Before I could take the wheel a truck slammed into the back of the car sending me forward in the car. My head slams against the dashboard, bleeding. I hold onto the seat as tightly as I can as the car flips over. My grip on the chair loosens and I fall to the floor of the car.

I groan trying to loosen the seatbelt when I'm pulled out of the car. I'm shielded as the car explodes and tears flow from my eyes. It didn't take a genius to know that it was Zane who had saved me. He growls lowly as I tried to loosen his grip on my waist. I fist his shirt in my shaking hands crying. He lifts my face towards his and kisses me softly.

But stories didn't end with happy endings anymore. There was no princess and no prince. Fairy tales didn't exist, as much as we want them to. As much as I wanted them to.

Reality was different.

Reality was made to destroy dreams and bring you down. To make you feel worthless. Reality was different from logic. It was real. I pushed him away and walked away. I was leaving his life and I felt horrible.

I was walking away from the only person who cared for me, loved me. I was being selfish but that's what we all are.


We protect ourselves from danger by being selfish. But my mate wasn't a danger to me, he was the one, he was supposed to love me and he did. I couldn't. I just couldn't leave. I turned around and ran into his arms. I hugged him tightly, never wanting to let go.

I stood on my toes kissing him passionately. Putting my feelings into it. His arms wrapped around me. He was my safe haven and I loved him. His hand slipped under my thighs lifting me into the air. I wrap my legs around his waist, tangling my hands in his soft hair. His lips left mine leaving pepper kisses on my jaw.

He trailed down my neck and found his mark. He nibbled and sucked on it, causing me to moan. I arch into his chest as he marks me again.

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