The Roads We Have To Walk

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  • Dedicated to EVERYONE!!!!!

Helloooooooo! Raychel here!!! With Valerie...any who. We ARE WRITING OUR FIRST EVER FAN FICTION! And if you can't tell.... IT'S ONE DIRECTION. And we're using our own names. But, since we have lives (we do?) we might not be able to update on time. Maybe on Fridays or Saturdays. Or whenever we get a chance. OKAY I JUST RESIZED THAT THIS INTRO IS PROBABLY GONNA BE SUPPER BORING. There's this creepy homeless man that sorta looks like my friend, Ben, (Valerie 'member our conversation earlier? DON'T MENTION ANYTHING FROM THAT ON HERE.) AND THAT GUY OS WATCHING ME! *walks outside* *pulls off their mask* WAT? It is Ben.....OH MY GOSH BUT THERE IS A STALKER STALKING YOU! It's me! LOOK BEHIND YOU! Lol! On to you Val.


WHOOP-DEE-DOO!!!!! What's up?! Valerie is now officially online!!!! With Raychel!!! GET READY TO BE KICKED IN YO' BUMS!!! Soo..... as Raychel said in her intro (look up there) We, Oreo godesses, have decided to write our very own STORY!!!!!!!!!! I'm soooooooooooooo excited!!! And, I know this is probably boring... BUT PLEASE JUST GIVE THIS BOOK A CHANCE!!!! IT DIDN'T DO ANYTHING WRONG!!! ***Sobs** Anyway..... We promise you guys, this story might be EXTREMELY boring at the start, but we will eventually boost this story up to a whole new level!!! So, please give it a chance and don't delete it yet? OK. SO LET'S GET THIS PARTAY STARTED!!!! And, (According to the very bottom part of Raychel's introduction.......) THERE'S A STALKER BEHIND ME!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! RUN FOR YOU LIVES!!! AHHHH!!!! IT'S GOT ME!!! GO!!! RUN!!! SAVE YOURSELVES ALREADY!! LEAVE ME!!!


OH MY GOSH RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!!! OH AND VAL? IM YOUR STALKER! MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAH. and I wanna go serious for a second. (MY MIND IS MUSH NOW *sobs*) Did you here about Cory Moniteith and the 13 year old you tuber Thalia? Well they both died. But in different situations. Cory had drug overdose and Thalia died of cancer. Now,I would like a moment of silence.............. Okay DONE. Now, as Val said, this is gonna be boring at FIRST. .But,we will make it as random and funny as possible. NOW ONWARD MY FAITHFUL DANASAOUR!!!!!



***Gasps*** Ok.....? Anyway....... Let's get this story started!!!! Right Raych?


RIGHT VAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Roads We Have To WalkWhere stories live. Discover now