Who The Oreo Duck Are You?

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  • इन्हें समर्पित: Claire_201

HELLO MAH HOMIES!!! WHAT'S UP?! As you can see, me and Raychel are trying to update this story super fast. Because we want people to read this..... and people won't read it if the story only has 2 chapters.... So, HERE WE ARE!!! Hahaha.............haha.................ha..................ha... Lol. anyway, PLEASE FAN THIS STORY!!! :3!!! YOU GUYS ARE AWESOME!!!xxxx- ValerieIsMe


Hello. That's pretty much all I have to say... xxx-Raych-xxx

Valerie Tanner on the side. ---->


Valerie's POV


That was the only thing I could hear, telling me that the car has started. I could hear Raychel arguing with them and sassing them out....... While she was distracting them, I was faking sleep and was trying to undo the knot that is tying both of my hands to the chair inside the van.

I was so terrified right now.. but i'm not going to show them that.. I squeeze my eyes shut as I consecrate on untying the knot. Wow. Did someone become a boy scout or something? Because, as far as I know, only boy scouts know how to tie knots like this. Ha. Too bad they don't know that my brother's from the army and has basically teaches me everything he knows. Hahaha.

You might be asking how we got into this situation, Well.... It all started when Raych and I were fighting about coffee.....


"My cookie crumble is SO much better than your plain 'ol black coffee" Raychel faked shudder and stuck her tongue out to me. I rolled my eyes.

"No, my black coffee is waaaay better than yours" I faked grimace as I pointed to her coffee. She then held her coffee her coffee to her chest protectively. I rolled my eyes; of course Raychel would be over-protective of her coffee.

By the time, I already had a great comeback. But, as I was about to say it, I felt something grip my waist and pull me into their chest, I was quick to react though, I turned around and saw they were two men with ski-masks on their faces. I didn't need to think twice to realize that they were up to no good. I looked at the first one to see that he was inching his way to me. So, I did the first thing that came to my mind. I kneed him where the sun don't shine. Hard. Oohh.. Someones gonna have a bruise tonight.

I looked at the other one to see him sprinting towards me. When he was close enough, i fly-kicked him on the face, and, eventually, he passed out.

I looked towards Raychel and saw that she already handled the other two that went for her. Wow. Those karate lessons really did pay off well.

I was about to call the cops when I felt hands make their way to my mouth. I tried to scream but No-one could hear me. I looked towards Raychel and saw that she was having the same situation.

We trashed around, as they continued to drag us to a orange van. I screamed and screamed but no sound was being heard because of the hand clapped towards my mouth.

Unfortunately, they got tired of us and decided that it was a good idea to tie our hands to our backs and gag us.

Three words. They. Are. Idiots. I mean, i'm sure they have reasons to why they kidnap us right? I mean, sure, they would earn a new collection of bruises, cuts and broken bones, but i'm sure we'd understand if they would tell us, right? We could have done it the civilized way. But nooooo, they just had to gag and tie us, don't they understand that we hate being tied? Ugh. They. Are. So. Dead.

~End of flashback~

So, yeah. But, unfortunately, Raych had managed to un-gag herself. So, now, here we are. In a van. Tied. And arguing with our kidnappers. **Sigh***

Raychel's POV

YAY! I got my gag off. Oh yeah, KNEEL PEASANTS! I'm awesome! Back to the situation at hand. MWAHAHAHAHA! I feel like one of those people in CIS: Miami. Hmmm, I wonder how being a secret agent feels like...


"WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU?" A guy in a purple Jack Willis hoodie asked.

"Many things." Answered Val, who seemed to get out of her gag too. Oh yeah, we be ninjas.

I pouted putting on a mock sad face.

"AWWWW! LOOK AT HER FACE!" The one in a striped hoodie yelled and smashed me in a hug. Mmmmmmmm he smells like coffee.

"Did you just smell me and go mmmmmmm?" He asked and backed away slowly. I just replied with a grin and said "Hey, you smelt my hair and was like 'mmmmm, smells like strawberries'."

Everyone laughed. I don't know why, I was just stating the truth...Hmm-OHHHH, because of what I said. Yep, I'm not the sharpest knife in the draw. But neither is Valerie. Even though I wear glasses... I got out of my bindings and noticed my coffee was no where to be seen.

"Hey? Where'd my coffee go?" I asked anger welling up inside me. NO ONE-NOT EVEN VALERIE-TOUCHES MY COFFEE WITHOUT FEELING MY WRATH!!!! Grrrr..

Val looked completely scared right now...with her eyeballs popping out of their sockets. I roared in anger while sniffing for my coffee. I looked at the blond one with an Irish accent. He has my mother fudging coffee!!! That waffle-eating twat. I pounced on him, pinned him to the ground and whispered in his ear "I'm gonna make you suffer." In a deadly tone. I snatched my coffee and sat back.

Everyone, even Valerie, must have heard what I said because they crowded around the blonde guy while I sat there sipping my Cookie Crumble. "where are we going?" Me and Valerie whined at the same time in the same tone and pitch.

"To your house of course." They all replied, "we're gonna have to stay there" (A.N THAT'S THE SURPRISE VAL! SURPRISE!) WAT? Eh as long as they don't touch my Oreos and coffee then I'm fine with it.

Niall's P.O.V

"I'm gonna make you suffer." Said the girl who pounced on me in a deadly tone. She got off me taking her coffee with her and sitting back. Everyone crowded around me obviously hearing what she said. Or maybe my expression gave it away. Well what ever it was, what have we gotten ourselves into?






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The Roads We Have To Walkजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें