The War Has Started

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WHAZZAP?! ME AND RAYCHEL HAVEN'T BEEN ON-LINE FOR AWHILE NOW!! PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE DON'T BE MAD AT US!! T_T Anyway.... HERE'S THE NEXT CHAPPIE THAT WE HAVE PREPARED FOR YOU AWESOME PEASANTS...... I mean..... KINGS AND QUEENS!! HOPE YOU LIKE IT!! Oh, and btw, heres's on of my fave youtuber's videos. ^__^ I might be posting some of videos here.. :P Hope you like him!! ^__^~~ValerieAmIAnOreoGodess?~~

Okay guys I'm soo tired so yep. READ ON MY ROYAL DANASAURS!!! xx-Raychel-xx


Valerie's POV

Tsk Tsk

Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nya-

I slammed my hand on my alarm clock and cursed. Why did I even set off that darn alarm?- Oh, that's right. Today's our big plan..

I quickly got up and jogged to my bathroom. As I was brushing my teeth, Raychel, Louis and a brunette boy that I guess was Josh came to my room.

We quickly told him the plan and-as far as I could tell- he was pretty excited about it. We discussed a few minutes more until it was time.

"Ya'll got everything right?" Raych asked in a hushed tone, just in case the boys were awake. Everyone nodded and we tiptoed to the boy's room.

When we got there, everyone chuckled. Wanna know why? Well, let's just say that they'll probably have body-aches tomorrow.

They were all in funny positions. Harry is face-planted on the floor but his lower half is still on top of the bed. Liam is on the middle of the bed snuggling with a stuffed woody while his right leg is being hugged by Zayn. Zayn is on the bottom part of the bed hugging Liam's right leg, but he has really little space, so it ended up him, almost falling while he snuggled to Liam's leg. Niall is on top of Liam, his head rested on the back of the bed-which is pretty hard by the way- while his legs were using Zayn's head for a footrest.

Phase one, done.

Unfortunately, we couldn't stare any longer, 'cause Raychel signalled us to come. Everyone grabbed their supplies and bundles of special liquid (A.K.A. Mixture of maple syrup, whipped cream, deodorant, broccoli juice, glue, melted caramel, honey, curry paste, Vinegar, and other yucky/sticky thingies.)

I was assigned to Harry, Raychel was assigned for Niall, Josh was assigned for Zayn and Louis was assigned for Liam.

And then we got to work, I plugged in the straightener to let it heat up for a while and pulled out my markers. I started writing 'I AM IN LOVE WITH VALERIE 'CAUSE SHE IS THE SEXIEST BEAST ALIVE' on his forehead in big bold letters. And then I started putting make-up on his face, when I finished making him look like a panda, I picked up my straightener and started straightening his hair, after that, I put rock-hard gel in his hair and spreaded some special liquid all over his body.

When I was done, I observed my creation.

I smiled sheepishly and looked to my other team-mates and almost burst out laughing.

Let's just say, everyone did a great job.

Niall had on deep red lipstick, too much black eye-shadow, and had 'I'M AN OREO KILLER, RUN-AWAY FROM ME IF YOU EVER WANT YOUR BABIES TO LIVE' on his face, and had the liquid poured all over himself.

Zayn looked like a china doll, and had 'MY NAME IS MR. VAIN' on his forehead, his hair was a mess and looked like Josh had put some rock-hard gel on it, plus special liquid smeared on his arms and feet.

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