We Just Met Danielle Peazer!!

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HEY HEY HEY!!!! VAS HAPPENIN' PEOPLE?! I think i'm a writers block..... So don't be suprised if my descending POV's will be laaammmmeee..... Yeah. ^__^ xxx-ValIsHavingAWritersBlock-xx


HULLO! I am alive if you have all noticed. And don't WORRY Valerie YOU WILL BE FINE! You'll get over it sometime. (No she won't. She will be like this forever.) And like Val said, WE ARE SO SORRY FOR ANY SHIRTS THAT ARE NOT WORN. And I know she didn't say that. ^_____^ We are sorry for short, bad, uneventful, unfunny chapters. SOWWY!



**Valerie's POV**

"Omygosh, who's that?"

"She's so pretty!!"

"I think she's a model...."

I stared at Raychel like she's stupid as we continued to roam the insides of Liam's holy rectangular magical device (A.K.A His phone), And before you start squealing about 'How-Liam-Payne-just-handed-us-his-bloody-phone',

Well no.

For your information, We are too cool for that. So, we stole it. HA! And we hacked it too. I mean, COME ON!! 'Ilovepurple' is soooo beyond lame. -_- I bet there are 5,000,000,000 others that has that exact same password, I mean, It's obvious that we're cooler than anyone in this bloody boring world, 'ValerieandRaychelarethesexiestbeastsevahinthisuniverse187234590569insertrandomnumbers' is way better than his actual password itself.

Ha, anyway, you must be wondering how in hell did me and my purple waffle tasting leprechaun (A.K.A Raychel) got into the idea of stealing Liam Payne's phone..... Well..



What the globbing fudge was that? I don't know about you guys but that sounds like hulk's throwing a tantrum upstairs... O.o

And I know for sure that we don't own a hulk....


Okay, That's it. They're interrupting my snack time. And let me tell you, no-one, I mean NO-ONE, not even Hulk himself, interrupts my snack time. Haha, I guess that's just how it works for Raych and I ..... I mean, the last time that I interrupted her snack time she was so pissed I could almost imagine her going all 'RAYCHEL ANGRY, RAYCHEL SMASH!!'

Haha, anyway, FOCUS VALERIE!! We're losing track of time...... LEGGO!!

I ran upstairs carefully following where the sounds are coming from and I stopped at..












Raychel's room? Wut? The last time I heard Raych doing this was when she always had nightmares and that stopped a long time ago............





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⏰ Last updated: Feb 07, 2014 ⏰

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