Alarm Clocks And Saturday Routines

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Hey guys!! Valerie here!! So, as you can see, we have decided to make this story's very first CHAPTER!!! OK, so, the story goes like this.... The first chapter will be my POV. and then the next will be Raychel's then mine then Raychel's and the cycle goes on and on and on... So, yeah!! HOPE YOU LIKE IT!! xxx- ValTheOreoEater


Hey guys! Raychel here (but you can call me Raychel.) This story is under major editing (especially my parts) and please bear with us as we go through our story and make some changes. Thank you.



Valerie's POV


I slammed my hand on my alarm clock and groaned. Ugh. As obvious as it seems, I'm definitely not a morning person. I would rather eat oatmeal with yogurt for a whole year without complaining than wake up at 3:00 a.m. in the morning.Ugh.

I was just about to go back to sleep, when I remembered, it's Saturday. UGHHHHHH... WHY, GOD, WHY?! You're probably thinking why I'm acting like this while everybody is practically celebrating that it's a Saturday. Well, let's just say that I have a best friend that loves drinking coffee on Saturdays........... in the mornings. Don't get me wrong, I love coffee, it's the morning part that I hate.

I lift my head up, ever so slightly, just to see the clock.... 8:44 a.m. Hmmmmmm...... Well, this is weird. She usually barges in my room in exactly 8:00 a.m. I think it was already our every-Saturday routine.... Ha. maybe she ran out of frying pans. Hahahahahaah. I could just remember the day she made it a routine to always go to Starbucks every Saturday, on 8:00 a.m.


I was sleeping so comfortably....... sigh, I wish it was always like this..... peace and quiet. I was about to slip back to La La Land, when, all of a sudden, an ear-piercing scream echoed through our weird-ass quiet apartment.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!VALERIE!! HELP ME!! I'M DYYYYIIIIIINNNGGGGG!!"- wait a second. That voice. I know that voice. It's almost freaky 'cause that's just how Raychel sounds.. Hmm.. I wonder where Raychel is... hhmm.... Raychel.. coffee... mornings.... jack... beanstalk... jerk..... hippo... chicken.... chicken....... yum.

Just as I was continuing my dream full of penguins and chicken nuggets... There was another high-pitched scream coming from downstairs.. Grrrr, Whoever that is, better be wearing a protective suit, 'cause somebody's gonna die sooner that expected.

"VALERIE!!!" OK, that's it. I've gone through ENOUGH. I'm going to kill who the f*cking hell that is.

"GRANDMOTHER, IF THAT'S YOU TRYING TO HAUNT ME, I WILL SERIOUSLY TAKE ALL THE SWEATERS, ACCESSORIES, AND HATS YOU'VE KNITTED, BRING THEM TO THE DESERT, BURN THEM, AND GET RID OF THE BODIES SO THAT MOTHER WON'T HUNT AND TORTURE ME TO DEATH!!!" I yelled so that the person downstairs could hear me... I know, i'm not that nice. But, hey, you'd be like this when a stranger keeps preventing you from dreaming of kidnapping Charlie McDonnell, Alex Day, Dan Howell, and Phil Lester, by trying to sound like your best friend, imitating your dead grandmother's haunting skills, and screaming like there's no tomorrow.

"VALERIE!!! PLEAAAASSEEEE!!!!" Huh, that stupid ghost. I mean, why can't she just go haunt Raychel or something?....... Speaking of Raychel.. the house is still quiet, maybe she hasn't woke up yet.

Maybe i'll just call her phone and tell her that a stranger has broken into the house and is imitating her voice..... wait a sec......... Raychel. But the voic- Oh no.

I instantly jolted up the bed and sprinted to the door. I threw the door open and leaped down the stairs, two at a time. I got to the first floor of the house just to see Raychel on the floor







And she's laughing.






"You're going to regret that." I muttered darkly. You know like how a murderer speaks to the CIA when he got caught? Yeah, that. Which is pretty scary by the way, cause I could imitate pretty well.

Raychel looked like she pooped her pants now. Her eyes looks like it's going to pop out of her head if she won't close them, she's gaping at me, and she looks pretty frightened.

"I'll give you five seconds to run." I muttered using the same imitation.











"Oh shit."

I chased her around the house while she ran around screaming profanities at me about how it was 'healthy to wake up' and how she did it because 'she would die if she didn't drink coffee''.

~End Of Flashback~

2 minutes have passed and it's now 8:46 a.m. ............... I sighed and decided to wake up on my own. I guess Raychel doesn't wanna have coffee this morning.

"Ah, I see you're ready for our weekly dose of caffeine?" Ooops, spoke too soon. I turned around to see Raychel in her pajamas.

"We are, may I take you to your limo?" By limo, I mean her regular 2005 glacier-pearl Lexus. She calls it her 'baby' but she can't drive it. This is always what happens, I have a licsence but never got a car, while Raychel has a car but failed her driving test three times. So I get to drive her car, and she can't. Hhahaha.

We linked arms and skipped off, "WE'RE OFF TO SEE THE WIZARD THE WONDERFUL WIZARD OF OZ!" We screamed as we ran down the stairs. I was still in Nyan-cat pajamas..... But, hey? YOLO right?

We got into the car and drove around the block to Starbucks. We walked inside and saw a horde of girls running after 5 guys in hoodies and sunglasses. Hmm.... who could that be? ....I was about to run after them when I saw that Raychel is already running ahead of me, to the counter.

I caught up to her and we skipped to the counter

I was busy looking around trying to find the 5 guys, so I wasn't being able to see what Raychel is doing. Eh, she is my bestfriend right? I'm sure she already knows exactly what I want.

We walked to our car and...



So, how was my chapter?......... Is it good? bad? nice? terrible? great? or horrifying?


Okay guys so here is my room!!!! ------

Raychel will explain how the rest of the house and her room looks like in the next chapter.


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