Chapter One

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It's been two weeks that she had been gone. Two weeks of pure agony. Two weeks of guilt. Two weeks of remembering the memories. Shes been gone for two weeks and I had noting to do with her decision.

You see, two weeks ago, my best friend Paige Hyland took her own life due to bullying. She has been bullied all her life even though she was on a popular T.V show 'Dance Moms' She had friends on the team but she taken the piss out of her for wearing the crop tops and booty shorts and for looking anorexic. She got hate mail and how ugly she was. I think over the years the stress build up

I've been in the same position for days, I haven't had any reason to move. Paige was the only reason I had friends , she was the one who told me to have confidence and how I was beautiful and anyone would be lucky to have me as a friend. I don't think I'm going to last much longer without her by my side. Does she know how much pain she has put me under?I'm never going to see her again.

Today I have to go to the studio which will be the first time I left the house in two weeks. We were all having a mini funeral with just the studio and the Moms. I think Paige would be happy because she loved us but obviously her emotions got in the way of love.

"Come on Chloe! We've got to go." My Mom yelled up the stairs. I sighed, I didn't even want to go today. I wanted to stay curled up on my best the same way I had for two weeks. But Paige would have wanted me to go so I'm gonna go.

I was dresses in all black like an actual funeral, I began to head downstairs to meet my Mom. My foot slipped on something. I looked down to see an envelope under my foot. I bent down to pick it up. 'Chloe' it had written on it in Paige's Scrawly handwriting.

I took a deep breath and began to open it....

Sincerely PaigeWhere stories live. Discover now