Chapter Thirteen

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At first I didn't believe the girls when they said I could have one last chance to see Paige again. I thought they were messing with me but apparently not because now I'm surround in white and people with angel wings walking around. They were looking in crystal balls to see on earth and doors with their names on them. I sat the gate at the top open and I ran to get through before it shut.

I went to the door labelled 'Paige' I giggled as I saw a dancer logo next to her name. I walked in without knocking and saw her sat with a little girl and her friends on her bed.

"Paige?" I asked timidly I didn't want her to stop what she was doing with her new friends bur I really missed her and wanted one last conversation with her.

"Kenzie." She breathed standing up embracing me. "I've missed you." She whispered.

"I missed you too." I mumbled into her shoulder and she pulled me over to the bed where her friends were sat.

"Guys, this is Mackenzie. She's on the show I was telling you bout/ Dance moms." She introduced.

"Hi." I said shyly.

"You're really cute." One with blue eyes and brown hair cooed.

"Thank you.£ I said with a smile and they giggled.

"Kenzie, this is my daughter." She said and my eyed went wide.

"W...What?" I stuttered.

"It's a long story but you don't have time to hear it. Ask Nia and she'll tell you. I'll be at the competition today. I promise. You'll see me cheering.

"I miss you Kenzie." She said as I began to fade away. I knew I would never forget those last four words Paige Mackenzie Hyland said to me.


Sincerely PaigeDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora