Chapter Five

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The first thing I saw when I opened my eyes was white. Everything was white. Where was I? The last thing I remember was reading the letter from Paige. Paige. She has to be here. If Chloe was telling me the truth this has to work right? Right?

I see the same set of stairs Chloe told me about. I walked up them hoping I'll see Paige. She's my sister after all, I didn't get to see her take her last breath. We got into a massive argument and that was the last time I saw her. She stormed out after I said something I regretted straight after.

"Can I help you sweetie?" A kind cheery gentle voice asked. At first I couldn't see anyone then in a puff of smoke a lady appeared in front of me.

"Ahh!" I screamed. It startled me.

"Oh sorry." She laughed. "Who are you looking for?"

"Paige Hyland."

"Oh she's really popular today. There's already been someone to visit her today. Chloe was it?" I nodded. "Anyway, I'll show you where she is."

I followed the winged lady over to the corner where music was being played. As I got closer I could make out it was my song.

"This is my sister singing. She wrote this song." I heard Paige say. I carried on walking across the clouds over to her.

"She's good." A young women said stood next to her.

"She is. I love her and even though we ended on really bad times. I would kill to have one more minute with her." She explained. Well at least that will happen now.

"Have you got a picture of her?" A teenage boy asked.

"Yeah, here." She passed a picture to her friends.

"She's pretty." two of them said in unison.

"Hey Paige."The boy said again. I saw her look up from the picture to him. "Is that her, there?" He asked. She turned to face me.

"Oh My God! Brooke!" She screamed running over to me engulfing me in her arms.

"I'm so sorry Paige," I whispered in her ear. Might as well get it over with now.

"It's Okay, it was my fault." She assured. I didn't believe her. I still think it was me who sent her over the edge. We had a rough couple of months as a family arguing 24/7.

"Well, I'm really glad you're here. Did Chloe tell you about this?"I nodded. "I'm thankful she did. I miss you Brooke. I'm sorry for the way we ended things." Again she apologised.

"Stop Apologising okay? I sill love you Paige."

"I love you too."

"I have a few questions to ask." She nodded indicating for me to carry on. "Why didn't you tell me You were being bullied. I thought you did this because of me."

"Brooke, it had nothing to do with you okay? I didn't tell you because I didn't want you to worry. You had enough on your plate, you didn't need my shit on top of it. Maddie and Chloe helped me as much as they could but it all got too much and I wanted it to end." She explained.

"What about Mom? Did she know?"

"No, I didn't tell anyone. Chloe found out and told Maddie, they both helped me through it. We were going to tell you Mom and Josh but Dad was hitting me and everything else, I couldn't put that on top of all the stress Mom was under already."

"Wait. Dad was hitting you?" I asked. I was going to go livid when I get home, I was going to beat the shit out of him see how he likes it.

"Yeah, I wasn't the perfect daughter he wanted. I wasn't popular and got into a lot of trouble. I wasn't a planned baby like you and Josh. I was a mistake to him he didn't want any more kids. He had a boy and a girl thats all he wanted. Dad is also not my dad. Mom was raped and I was conceived. If we were alone, I wasn't allowed to call him dad. He would hit me if I spoke or had anything to eat or drink. He would let his friends take advantage of me." She explained.

I was disgusted. I can't believe my dad did something like that to my baby sister. How could Mom keep this from me. She was raped and didn't tell me.

"It's time for you to go now Brooke. Just know that whenever you're at the ALDC you'll see me. Chloe can and so can you. I love you big sister." She hugged me one last time before I was once again seeing black.


Sincerely PaigeWhere stories live. Discover now