Chapter Three

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Where am I? Why am I her? Are those clouds? Where are there steps in front of me?Why am I on the floor? Why am I wearing white?

"Chloe....Chloe....Chloe..."Why am I hearing Paige's voice? She's dead. Isn't she?

I slowly stood up and took note of what I actually looked like. My hair was curled and cascaded down my shoulders. I was wearing a white dress with white shoes and a white head band. Everywhere I looked I saw nothing but wh8ite.

I heard my name being called and followed the sound of the voice. I walked up the stairs that disappeared after each step I took. When I reached the top, I was hoping Paige was going to be there waiting for me. But No. There was a gate and a booth. Inside the booth was a lady who looked about middle aged who was wearing pretty much the same as me.

"Hi dear." Her chirpy voice said. I turned to look at her. "Who are you here to see?"

"Paige Hyland." I replied. I didn't know what to make of this. She clearly had angel wings but angels exist in heaven. Is that where I am? In heaven?

"Oh, she's a lovely one that one. Please follow me." The gate opened and I walked through looking at all the people who had wings and those who didn't. Some were looking into crystal balls down on earth watching their loved ones.

Is this what Paige meant in her letter? That she'll be watching down on us. I hope so. I'd feel a lot safer knowing she could see us and be keeping us as safe as she could.

"She's just over there." She pointed in the direction where the new angels without wings were. Paige was learning the rules on how to be an angel without going to hell.

When I turned to thank her she was gone. She left a trail of smoke evaporating into the air.

I slowly walked over to the group.

"Paige?" I said quietly, Her head snapped around to me.

"Chloe." She breathed. "I can't believe you're here. It worked. They said it would but I wasn't sure." She said squealing as well as talking to herself.

"How am I here? How am I see you?" I asked. I was happy I could see her one last time and ask her questions but I was surprised I was her.

"There was a women who said that all the people who tried to keep me alive and made my life happier would get another chance to see me when I made my final decision on whether to stay alive or not."She explained.

"I miss you Paige. You could have stayed with us. I would have helped you, we all would have. I don't fit in any more. No one likes me. Can you come back by any chance?" I asked. She sighed and shook her head.

"I'm sorry but I can't. I promise to see you as much as I can."

"Okay." I said in defeat.

"Well we only have a few minutes left how about I show you around?" I nodded. I know that I won't be here for very long but I wanted to know that my best friend was in a safe place where she was happy and wasn't uncomfortable. She will be here for eternity alone until us girls join her up there.

"Okay, this is the place we go when we get a notification about a person we love is in danger or trouble. We get sent down into the world to try and help fix it without anyone seeing us." She explained. "Then these crystal balls are to watch our friends and family whenever we want. This is so send mail to people we care about or people who are the cause of the death. Unless it was an overdose or something. If that is the case, we get put into a room for rehab." She continued.

"So do you dance up here?" I asked. She is a beautiful dancer and even though she doesn't dance at competitions or seen dancing, I still want her to continue dancing because when she dances none of the stress or sadness is there.

"Not up here but whenever you're in trouble, I go to the studio and spend the time copying you and now you've seen me here, you'll see me there. But only you until the others have read their letters and saw me up here." I nodded. "time's up Now, I'll see you soon. I love you Chlo." She began to fade. I sighed. I missed her.


Sincerely PaigeWhere stories live. Discover now