How You Remind Me

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Taylor's POV, 

Fuck I am so late I am so unorganized I am having a typical Taylor flap as Laura would call it I smile to myself as I remember that beautiful green eyed dark haired wildcard. We have been filming season one of Orange is the new black for months now, I am late for a cast meeting I love all the cast especially Kate she was like my very own on set mom.  

I jump out of the car and I head up the stairs and just like me I trip and fall flat on my face "Schilling how was your trip?" I hear her voice and instantly get butterfly's there comes that fatal attraction, "Fantastic I love the hard floor hotel." She laughs and helps brush me down the close contact sends electric pulses through me. Today she is wearing Alex's famous brown leather jacket fuck me she looks so hot in leather. We walk into the meeting I make my I am sorry I am late excuse, everybody just chuckles, "Taylor your always late we are used to it!" Jenji laughs the meeting starts we discuss that me and Laura have a few hot scenes coming up which Tash smerks at "The two "Acting" lesbians I swear there is something between them two, Anybody want to place bets on when?" I just sit there moving around uncomfortably Laura joins in with the banter and looks over at me looking at my reaction the rest of the meeting goes fast. 

Laura's POV, 

I pull up at the meeting slightly hungover I stay in my car parked outside I see my beautiful  blonde co star running late as normal! She runs on Taylor time we all joke about this we wouldn't change it I watch her fall. I chuckle I guess it's  time for me to be the Dyke in shining Armour! I run over have a small bit of banter and head inside I look at her damn she is beautiful. The meeting is a complete laugh I looked at Taylor when Tash said about us getting together she shuffles around in her seat hmm am I not the only one who has thought about an us. 

I know that Taylor has only been single for a few months after Carrie maybe she is still kind of hung up on her I think I will grab a coffee with her and have a real catch up. 

"Tay you fancy a starbucks?" 

"Sure Lau I will see you at the car I need to take care of something quickly." 

"Okay see you there schilling." 

Taylor POV, 

OMG OMG coffee I know we need a catch up wait why am I getting so damn excited it is only a damn coffee! Hmm I wonder if she wants to talk about the break up with Carrie it was pretty harsh and public I threw myself into work and tried to stop cutting when I missed her. Having Laura around going through it I confided in her and it bought us so much closer. I really think my crush and connection with Laura helped me in darkest days of the break up! 

I splash some cold water on my face sort my make up and hair why am I going to all this effort I doubt she is even interested in plain old me, I can get lost in her eyes I really could and omg her plump lips and warm tongue. I instantly feel a damp patch form in my knickers fuck I need to control this Laura is just a friend! 


Single again I am hopeless in love! Thought I would start a Laylor fan fic as I have been thinking about it for ages! 

I have a new Twitter  


My Insta Is Still 

rubydream95 :)

Peace and love :* 

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