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Taylor's POV, 

Did we really just nearly kiss? Damn you Tash! Not the best time to interrupt would we really have kissed? I am getting dressed for a scene where I come out of the Shu and Alex & Piper kiss after being teased by one another for quite awhile. I smirk well miss Prepon you teased me in that car how much of this will be acting?

Laura's POV, 

 I stand on my place ready for this kiss I am so nervous after the car will this be more then acting? I look at Taylor walk in damn she really is beautiful I could see myself with her I really can. 

"Ready 3...2...1 Action!" 

We say are lines and Taylor drags me into the chapel here goes nothing, Are lips connect and a fire spread through me I want Taylor are tongues connect and I move my hands and tangle them in her hair and deepen this kiss. We come up for air and I hear Taylor moan as I find her neck I whisper in her ear. 

"I have got you girl." I feel her body start to fall into mine. 

"And CUT!" 

We linger for a second not wanting to break the contact, Jenji looks at us her mouth slightly open. 

"Well done girls I can feel the heat from all the way over here you girls are defiantly well in key with each other!"   

We look at each other and smile and giggle "Oh yes we are" I say catching the sparkle in Taylor's eyes as she gazes at me. 

"Taylor?" I hear a strange voice say I look at where the voice is coming from and it's coming from Carrie. 

Taylor's POV, 

"Carrie?..What are you doing here? I thought you was on tour?" 

"I heard you where upset about me and my new Beau I thought I would come and see you and err talk?" 

"Fine but we are not talking  here go and wait in my dressing room please." 

I lean into Laura and whisper into her ear "Prepon you are a good kisser fancy giving me a lift home?" 

Fuck I shouldn't of said that after that kiss I feel like we are connected in so many ways! I have a new found confidence and I think it is going to my head. I behind me and see that Laura is standing there in shock I hope she doesn't stand me up! 

I start walking to my trailer what the fuck does Carrie want, I was not damn upset I had something in my eye god damn it!

"Carrie" I say walking in finding her with a can of coke from my fridge, I wish she wouldn't go through my damn fridge. 

"Taylor how are you?" she stands up to give me a hug and I instantly sit down I don't want her touching me! 

"I am fine Carrie what do you want? I haven't seen you since you walked out on me what do you want?" 

"Taylor lets cut this how are you bullshit I am pregnant." She reaches out to touch my leg and I give her the back off stare. 

"I am happy for you but why are you telling me like I give a rats arse." 

"I am scared Tay and you calm me down and know what to do and say, I need some support I am going to have to abort the baby it is not the right time for me to have this baby," 

"Out Carrie out! I am pro life and I don't know what to say you cheat on me and then end up pregnant and expect me to help you kill the baby!?!?!" 


"Do not even say it get the fuck out of here I don't love you and I want nothing more to do with you." 

She gets up and leaves "I will call you maybe you can have this baby? Adopt it and raise it as your own." I look at her open mouthed and she leaves before I have the chance to say anything! I can't have my ex's baby she had with the man she cheated on me with! This is wayy to Chat show daytime host shit! 

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