Starbucks Express

637 25 4

Laura POV, 

I watched Taylor skip down the steps "Tay are you okay to walk? I feel like I don't get enough excise." 

"Yeah sure would like a good old walk living in city means that I don't either." I link my arm with hers and we start strolling down the street we almost look like a couple. "Lau did I just see that bush twitch?" "Which bush Tay?" "That one look it is moving!" I look at the bush and out pops a paparazzi, "Laura Taylor where are you guys going?" I hate this it is so invading "Nowhere now please leave us alone." "I am just paid to take photos girls I have kids and a wife to feed!" he snaps a few pictures and then starts asking questions. 

"Are you two dating? Taylor how are you feeling about Carrie and her new girlfriend? Any plot hints for the upcoming TV show orange is the new black? Is your chemistry as tight on screen as it is off." 

I look at Taylor she looks like she is about to cry I am guessing she didn't know about Carrie and her new girlfriend maybe she is not over her?

Taylors POV, 

I love my job and normally don't mind the press but this guy was really starting to grind my gears I wish he would fuck off. Laura looks at me and quickly slides me her sunglasses, she must think I am about to cry over Carrie ah fuck I have something in my eye and that's the honest truth. I take them and place them on and we arrive at the Starbucks I go here a lot and so does Laura they must have had a tip off we thank Tracy as she hands us are regular order. Nothing like Starbucks express! 

Laura POV, 

I grab the Starbucks and tip Tracy massively she is a superstar we then jump in the car I have around the corner to get us away from the paps we jump in the car a tad flustered and we arrange are selves, we are wedged close together inches away from each other kiss her damn it kiss her!! I miss the opportunity fuck that was a bit hot to handle oh Tay what are you doing to me? I grab my hot chocolate  and take a huge swig and I forgot it was hot I end up spitting it everywhere. How cool Prepon how smooth! 

"Are you okay there Lau?"

I am fanning my mouth like some kind of reject it was so fucking hot! 

"I am fine I am fine." 

She lets out the cutest giggle 

"Are you okay after hearing about Carrie I know you two loved each other." 

"I am fine you know what I haven't even thought about her in such a long time, she is dating somebody I saw it on twitter and I have just seen it's the girl she was seeing behind my back, I am not mad I wish her the best." 

"Well Tay I never thought you would say that I know break ups are fucking hard and love hurts. I should know that more then anybody else!" 

She grabs my hand and the spark runs through us both and we shiver, "You know Lau nobody should ever hurt you."

"I know I know" 

We arrive at the set and you could cut the atmosphere with a knife and we slowly lean in, Natasha suddenly opens the door "Save it for the set guys." 


Ooooh cliffhanger :P

Peace and Love 

Twitter- GoldenOreo16

Insta- rubydream95

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