Just so you know!

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Laura POV,

This is the most awkward scene that we are about to shoot the hate-Sex in the library, I check myself over and over in the mirror fussing hoping I look good enough. I wonder what Taylor is thinking she has seemed so cold on set barely looking at me.

Taylor POV,

This scene is going to be terrible I don't even want her touching me all I can see is her and Tina rolling around in her bed! It cuts and it hurts I have been talking to Tash and confiding in Ruby are new co star and Pipers new love interest, She is having a bad time with her fiancé . She has honestly been my rock netflix nights and such and just meals out. So nice to have a female to connect with.

I walk towards the set & wonder if I look decent at least I don't know how I feel about her deep down that pull is there,

"Hey good luck with your scene with Laura" Ruby says as she runs up to me, "Are you working out on set?" I shoot my eyebrow up. "Yeah going back into boxing remember?" "Yeah I do! Is your gig still on tonight?".
"Course! Meet me back stage?" "Wouldn't miss it for world" I shout as she runs off "Good luck" she shouts back in that sexy accent of hers I love it!

I walk into the set & see Laura in a bin bag and I get the giggles, "Do you find my outfit funny Schilling?" Laura smirks "Has anybody ever asked if you feel like a plastic bag?" "Well now you mention Katy Perry keeps asking me by song." We both burst out laughing and as are eyes lock we both smile, "Just so you know I have missed this Tay." I hear the sadness in her voice, I don't know what to say "Laura I..."

Laura POV, 

"Laura I..."
Just as she says that Tash comes up to tell us that are scene is ready for us, I hate the timing I can see Taylor over thinking.

"Right Laura in this scene you are angry with Piper she just took your freedom away and you are pissed off. You need to physically hit Taylor but not to hard enough to look realistic."
"Okay I will try not to brain Taylor." I chuckle a bit to myself I also know that Taylor needs to be quite physical maybe some of her feeling will come out with her "Acting" angry. 

We start the scene and I smack her that is when Taylor grabs my hair I don't think that was quite acting it was pretty hard. We get into the sex and I am kissing her passionatly I really have missed us I bite her lip, to anybody watching it looks like its to add "Effect" only Taylor knew what it meant. Getting more into it when I am meant to be giving her oral I go all the way wanting to make her to know I am just as frustrated about her not being able to finish the talk as I am. Then it is Taylor's turn and its more real then acting thank god they yelled but before it got to heated. 

"That was great girls I have always said you have had um great chemistry."

"Thanks" we both reply and straighten ourselves up, I look at Tash who smirks I am sure she also knows that it wasn't really "Acting" 


Sorry been so long not had a computer so been writing it on my iPad and while travelling and such to my new Girlfriends. 

Peace & Love 



Twitter- GoldenOreo16

Snapchat- vausemehard 

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