Ruby's Concert

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Taylor POV, 

I dash away from the set I can't face Laura right now that's for sure that sex scene was way to intense I couldn't face her. 

I arrive home, I feel uneasy I check my phone one message from Tash, *Did you run off so you didn't have to face her after your mild porno :P* 

I try and push that out of my mind Laura couldn't commit she didn't want to be "Out". I know it is because she doesn't want the pressure. I do have a pull to Laura but I think I should just stay single. 

Laura POV, 

"Look at you all hot and bothered because of Taylor." Tash walks through the set with me. 

"It was acting no biggy Tash." I say slightly irritated because we never had that convo, "Come on Laura you can't hide what happened on set do you even know where Taylor is off to tonight?" 

"No and I really don't care, I care about going to the gym more then what Tay is up to!" 

"Well she and Ruby are getting very umm friendly she has invited her to the gig tonight." 

"How nice" 

"Laura cut the crap we all know you love Taylor and she umm loves you I guess." 

"If she loved me she wouldn't be all over the Aussie." 

Tash is left speechless 

I jump in my car and head to the gym and I pound the treadmill why should I care. 

When the gym gets more quiet I start to think of Taylor more and more, I know I love her but she doesn't want me. 

Taylors POV, 

I put a black clingy dress on and I walk to the VIP area and there is Ruby waiting, I don't know why all that is in my head is Laura what the hell she doesn't want me. Ruby gets to work on stage and she is killing it. 

I love the music when Ruby finishes her set I go and find her. I can't find her anywhere then suddenly I feel hands over my face. 

"Looking for me" I hear that it is Ruby. 

"Well by that accent I believe you are the lady of the hour the infamous Ruby Rose." 

"Damn how did you guess? Was it the accent?" 

"It is one of the bigger giveaways." 

Ruby Pov, 

How could Laura not want Taylor just like that I am captavated by her the smell the laugh the personailty everything. 

We are drinking from the free bar I have a beer and Taylor a fruity wine, I pull her close and whisper in her ear "Shall we dance?" 

I pull her on the dance floor and hold her close we are grinding it is getting awefully sexual. 

"You are so fucking sexy" I whisper in her ear and kiss her neck. 

Laura POV, 

I can't stop pacing I know I still love her what should I do? What if I do a big gesture? Or shall I see what happens with her and Ruby? I am scared to be out and to love her incase I hurt her I just don't know what to do!


Thank you for baring with I know this has been pretty slow but I am going to try and update a lot faster! 

Twitter Instagram- Vausemanoreo 

Peace and Love xoxo

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