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Rain's POV

We have to keep movin' we are so close to safety as it is. "Come on Rain, you'll be safe once we cross the border!" Luka yelled back to me. I can hear the beating of feet quickly coming near and nearer. NO! The moon it's turning already we have to escape before they change, but it doesn't matter if I don't make it in time as long as Luka and the others make it. I will not lose another. Not to my fault again. I know what I have to do. "Goodbye boys, know I'll always love you." I said to them in my mind; though I made sure they crossed the border first. My feet stopped moving and my heart started pounding I could hear them scream for me but they couldn't cross the border till the sun rose and by then these people would be gone. I mind linked them one last time, "Boys watch Nathan for me," than I cut them all off and looked to my little brother, "Nathan listen to the boys, and don't come after me, I'll stop them." He looked to me with watery eyes a mirror of my own, "Okay sissy, I love you." Then I cut him off as well. I looked toward Jake I saw his eyes, black and soulless; this is not the boy who told me he loved me and promised to protect me but I would forgive him as well would his brothers.

"I'll miss you Jake I hope you live a long happy life." I tried to smile at him but failed.

"Shut up! You care for no one your trying to make me change my mind and for that you will die!" I flinched at his words. He stepped forward and raised his hand as a blue flame formed in his hand and he raised it at my heart. The flame shot toward me as time went slow. I secretly hoped that he would miss, but Jake never missed never. Pain burst through my chest and I screamed; it didn't last long but it's getting cold. Never once did I remove my eyes from Jake. I saw the black turn to green in an instant but it was too late. I saved him, I saved him, it’s okay now I can go. Goodbye boys. Goodbye Nathan. Goodbye Jake. Goodbye Nutella. Ha, one last joke before you die nice one Rain, way to go out with a bang. It’s so cold, I’m numb, why can't I move "oh, hey mom can I come with you?" She nodded and smiled, how I missed that smile. Argghhhhh! The pain, no make it stop, it hurts Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh..................................

I sat right up in bed. Yay, just a dream. Okay Rain no more chocolate before bed, bad Rain. I looked over at the clock, uhggggg 5:30 a.m, Toooooo early!!! I wonder where mum is she always has breakfast for Nate and I in the morning? Uhggggg, time to get out of beeeeddd. "Mom can I barrow the car?" I whine as I walk down the swirly steps, but no answer came. "Mooommmm?" I whine and my foot touches something wet. WTF I caannnn't seeee. Well poops. Wait, what the farts is that? Somethin' was lyin' in the corner. I only took a few steps before my eyes could see the horror before my eyes. "Mom? Mom!? Come on wake up mom your okay!" My mom, our only living relative, lyin' in a pool of her own blood. She can't leave what about Nathan, what about family Friday. Prom was coming up and we were goin' shopping, she promised. "Mom you can't leave you promised" I sobbed.

"Raiiiiinnnnnn where's breakfast?" Nathan yelled. Oh no he's only in six he can't see this, I have to protect him from this world, now that mom can't.... he's all I’ve got know and I’m not letting' nothing happen to him, no way. "Nathan go up to your room I'll be up there in a moment with your breakfast we're stayin' home today, just go up stairs!" I scream so loud that I even flinched at my own voice. "Okay, sis but hurry I’m starving." I hear footsteps up the stairs and a room shut. Cold wet tears stumble down my face and I can't hold it in any more I cry. I cry for mom. I cry for dad. I cry for Nathan and the life we are going to have. I know that this is the first and only time I can cry for my mum, i have to stay strong for Nate I can't let him see his big sister break, that'll just break him more than anyone else. I grabbed the phone off the nearest counter and typed in 911 a number my mother had dug into my brain by the age of two. "911 state your emergency." The monotone voice on the other end said. " My mother," I replied, "my mother has bee stabbed please help, please." I don't know if she could understand but I hope she did. "We live at 945 Elkin St., please help............... then I felt nothing like the world had shut down on me, that I could fade into it.

After the funeral Nathan and I headed to our new temporary home. The Larston's were nice people and Mrs., Larston was mum's best friend but other than that i had never met her or knew anything about her family. Though Nathan doesn't quiet understand. How do you tell a six-year-old boy that his mother was killed but they ruled it as a suicide because they're too lazy to go out and find the killer; but I know, I know mom wouldn't kill herself. She loved Nate and I. She was even planning a family vacation, just the three of us. Also it's so obvious that a woman cannot stab herself in the back that's physically impossible, but they don't care nope, they don't care. Screech! That sudden stop interrupted my train of thought. Yesh. "Welcome to your new home." Mr. creepy driver dude said. Wow now that I get a good look at him he looks like a frickin vampire. No not twilight vampire but like stalker, eat people vampire. New on my check list... Don’t piss off Count Dracula over here. Okay Rain if you keep staring he's gonna kill you first. Yeah ...not gonna happen. So lets check out the new prison.


                       Hello my little pandas hope your enjoyed my first chapter of my first book please leave comments or like, but if they're bad comments keep them to yourself please.

                                                                                                  - little_panda_ao

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