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Rain's POV

Flashback {C= Crissy, Rain's mother; R=5 year old Rain}

R: Mommy why can't I use my powers in front of others?

C: You just can't, most people aren't special like you.

R: But I could have healed that bird mom.

C: If you had people would take you from me. So promise me you wont let anyone find out, okay

R: I promise mommy.

End of Flashback

"Well were waiting." I looked around the room to find the voice, it was from Luka, jesh this guys either got a stick up his butt or needs to eat a nice big can of patience. I heard Nate coming down stairs so this talk would have to wait. Nate looked at me with sleepy eyes and said, “Rain you didn't sing to me today like you usually do." Oh crap, I forgot. I have to sing to Nate before he sleeps or else he'll keep waking up, I really don't know why but hey it works. I took his hand and guided him up to my room once more, aware of the footsteps behind me. As Nate lay down, I covered him up so he would be comfy. "Nate what song do you want me to sing you tonight?" I ask him every night but it's always the same song. "Rain I want you to sing the song about the moon." Yep always the same, this is a song I made up the first time Nate came home from the hospital. I took in a breath and began:

Under the moon

High in the sky

A gate you pass through

Deep in the night

Though be warned

You cannot return

Till the sun is alive

And brightens the Earth. {End of song}

I hear Nate's tiny snores before I see his face; the song is short but I couldn't think of anything else. I slowly creep out of his room and into the hallway, but of course I run into a wall, wait walls don't have abs, I poke the person gently before looking up; and just my luck it's that hot guy who called me a liar. Wow his eyes are pretty. No focus you hate this dude. I step back and practically run down the stairs into the living room. I walk straight up to the coffee table once again and sit in the center. All of the Larston soon follow suit and sit down somewhere, but Nick just comes up right next to me and lays his head on my lap, falling asleep instantly. It's kind of weird but I don't mind he's a little kid after all.  I look down at his face, Awwww, wait his hair is just in perfect curls, I can't help it a reach out and start playing with his hair. Ohhhhhh soft.

"Hey Earth to Rain." Okay whose idea was it to shove their fat hand into my face, looking up I see once again its Luka. "Luka!" I whisper yell, making sure not to wake Nick, "remember what I said earlier, well if you don't remove your fat hand I'm going to fry them and make you eat it."

A look of horror goes across his face, and he slowly removes his hand. As I go back to playing with Nick's curls I can't help but say, " Okay now that we've understood each other, tell me what's going on cause right now I have half the mind to shave you all bald... Well except Nick." I was playing with his hair; there was no way I would shave of these perfect blonde curls.

"First I'd like to now how the heck you got Nick to go to bad at," Tristan pauses to look at the clock, " 10 till 8."  I stop playing with my curls, yep that's right I own Nick's curls now. Are these people all crazy little kids usually go to bed before this time. I looked to Kim for help. 

"Uhm, honey we don't usually go to bed this early," she stops and looks at Nick confused, "and out of all of us Nick goes to bed the latest."

I looked appalled, how can this lady let such a young child stay up to late it's ridiculous. I glared at everything in this room, and I mean everything. I glared at the boys I glared at Mr. and Mrs. Larston; I glared at the sofa I even glared at the wall. "How could you allow your children to go to bed so late, huh," I know I have no right to tell Mrs. and Mr. Larston how to raise their kids but I sure as heck can try. Just before I was about to continue a boy around 15 with dirty blonde hair and green eyes wearing a beanie stopped me and said, "It's not mums faults it's just how the Fallen are." Good, some answers.

"And what might your name be handsome," As I finished my sentence his face turned completely red; don't get me wrong he's cute but no way am I doing that cougar shiz. He composed his face and puffed out his chest and said, "I'm Casian, but you can call me Cas for short." I could barely hold in my laugh, you could totally tell he lowered his voice. I could tell this one would be my loyal dog. "Well Cas tell me everything about the Fallen." He looked at me and began.

" The Fallen have always been grouped together. Even though none of us are actually related we most likely come from the same Angel blood, but it's too distant to tell. We always find each other, and we have heightened senses. We don't need that much sleep but we still need a little, well except for Nick he only get's about one hour, which we were worried about because normally the Fallen get at least 4-5 hours each day. That’s why we were surprised how quickly Nick went asleep with you. We never go to bed till early in the morning and we always wake up at 8 or 9 a.m. Also we know you did something with Titan to fix him, and your singing voice is enchanting if I do say so myself." he stopped there.

       We'll guess that means I'm not Fallen I always wake up at 5-6 a.m. Oh, and I already know I have a pretty good voice mom said so herself, but I've never sang in front of anyone else before, so I wasn't sure if mom was lying or not. I wonder what I am though.... That’s when everything started spinning and then disappeared.


Ohhhh, she fainted, what's gonna happen next. Lol Hope you enjoyed.


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