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 Rain's POV

     I stop instantly and freeze, witch. I can't help myself but remember.

{Flashback to Rain in elementary school} 

I was swinging by myself on the playground hiding from the others. They would through stones at me and call me names. Sometimes they'd push me down the stairs, and when I thought it would get better every time it happened it got worse. I'm scared, I don't know what will happen. I lie to mom so she won't get mad, but it hurts. Mom said my eyes are beautiful, even though their color is strange, but the others don't see it that way.

"Hey freak, are you going to use your witchy powers on us."  Oh no they found me.

Another boy joined in, "Yeah the witch is going to harm us, I saw on TV were they drowned the witches do they wouldn't harm anyone." I looked at them I pleaded but they still dragged me to the pond.

"Please!" I begged, "Please stop, I didn't do anything, please!"

"Shut it." He kicked my side," only witches have purple eyes, only witches can talk to animals, your a witch and you know it." With that he kicked me again; I don't even know these kids. They tie my arms together and tossed me in. "MOMMY!!" I screamed.

{End of Flashback}

  I screamed and I screamed, even when I was submerged, but none of the children would help me because they thought I was a witch. Luckily the teacher came, but the torture never stopped they even tried to burn me once, I tried hiding it from mom but she saw the burn and pulled me out of public school. She got me contacts so know my eyes look blue like hers, we even moved, but I can never forget.

  I fell to the floor with my head in my hands. Crying is a weakness but I couldn't help it. I felt two warm hugs, and I looked to my left to see Nate, then to my right to see Carter. I saw in his eyes Nate told him what happened to me. Nate always new and he wanted to protect me. Mom told him the truth so he wouldn't go to public school. If they found out he was my brother he would be treated the same. I forced a smile as I looked at the Larston's worried faces but it was too weak. I could still feel the flow of tears down my face. Standing up on shaky feet, I let Nate and Carter lead me out of the room, I saw Nick get up and follow. Though before we exited the room Carter and Nate walked up to that mean guy and in synched punched him in the gut. He fell over clutching his stomach; but everyone ignored that. My boys took my hands once more and guided me to my room where I laid down on my soft comforter and cried my self to sleep.

Nate's POV

That meany called MY sister a WITCH. He is so going to get it. I watch as my sister cries out for help in her sleep, and I can see the worried glances Carter and Nick are giving her. Nick looked at me and said, "Why is she so sad? Why did she react that way?" I looked at Carter and he nodded his head giving permission. As I told Nick the story he seemed to get angrier and angrier, when I finished he seemed about to burst but a knock on the door interrupted him.

He stormed toward the door and threw it open, not making a sound in case sis woke up; it was Kim. She looked at Rain and her face filled with worry seemed to age her, she moved her hand as if to have us follow her out. I kissed my sis on the top of her head followed by Carter and Nick. We followed Kim down the stairs into the living room where everyone seemed to be waiting.

"What, the heck just happened to her?" I looked for the voice it was that guy who hurt MY sister, before I could move and inch Carter and Nick were over they’re in a flash, like really fast, must be the Fallen Blood. Nick was on him first.

"HOW COULD YOU JAKE!!!???" He screamed so loud I though sis would wake but I doubt it. Everyone looked shocked, but Kim was the first to ask, "Sweetie why did Rain act that way?" I just looked down, I felt sad for how my sister was treated she is the best sister ever. She cooks for me, sings to me, helps me when she can; I don't see why anyone would hate her. Even though her eyes are strange they are beautiful, I just don't understand. I felt Carter put his hand on my shoulder. I looked up into his teary eyes that matched mine and he nodded. He was my brother, we share a father but Rain doesn't know yet.

"Nick, please stop; Rain wouldn't be happy with you fighting." it was a hard sentence to say, I wanted Jake hurt but Rain wouldn't want us to hurt someone. She likes us to be safe, and know Nick is added to our group so he's like another brother to me. He stopped but he didn't back down his anger was literally radiating off him. "DO YOU KNOW?" He screamed at his brother, "DO YOU KNOW WHAT SHE'S BEEN THROUGH? Do you know what they did to her?" His voice seemed to soften by the end, he looked like he was going to cry but I know he wouldn't. Kim put a hand on his shoulder to ease him then she said," No honey, we don't. Why don't you tell us?” He looked down his anger fading into sadness. Looking up at Carter and I his eyes seemed to ask for approval, we nodded for him to continue.

Retelling the story that I told him earlier no matter how many times I hear it I still get depressed. With every word I could feel so much anger and sadness coming off these people; but only guilt showed on Jake's face. He looked at me and said," I'm so sorry." Then stood up to leave but Luka stopped him. Looking straight into Jake's eyes Luka all but growled out, "You better be sorry, you have to, and will make this up to her. Do you understand me?" Jake nodded, and bowed his head in shame. I could see a crying Kim being hugged by an angry Romulo. She looked at me, "Why? Why didn't your mother tell me? I could have helped." But that was a lie no one could. I can't stand here any longer. I sprinted up the stairs followed by Carter and Nick; we slowly entered sissy's room and jumped into bed with her. I want to protect her. To protect her from all the evil. Forever.


Wow I'm like really depressed after writing that, but yay Nate's fist POV. I know he sounds older than six but he's like Carter so yeah. Hope you like the story.


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