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Rain's POV

     Wow, this place is huge. It's probably bigger than the Whitehouse. All of a sudden a very teary lady came up and hugged me. " Oh, Rain it's so good to see you," then she looked to Nate, "And of course you too Nate." Wow this lady was really pretty, but that doesn't excuse that I'm being hugged by a stranger. It's like visiting Grandma in the nursing home all over again. I still get shivers whenever I think about it, my face was sore for like 2 whole days.

I faced the lady once more. "Uhm, Hi nice to meet you to, but if you don't mind me asking who are you?"

She looked confused then her faced morphed into one of understanding, " Oh how rude of me, I'm Mrs. Larston, but you can just call me Kim everyone else does." With that she had, Mr. I'm count Dracula and I'm going to eat your face, carry our bags in. While we followed her inside. " So now I'll just introduce you to my boys, BOYS!!" dang has this chick got some lungs on her.

     Everything was really quiet for like a second then what sounded like a wild stamped of buffalo came hurdling down the stairs and around the corner came about 10 or 11 Boys varying in ages like 10-23 or something like that. Kim looked at me and said, "Rain, Nate, I would like you to meet my boys." I just stood there in awe she didn't look over her mid 30’s; I just couldn't keep my mouth shut. 

" All of these came out of you! That can't be right that one over there looks to be like 23 years old!" I pointed at the one farthest from me. Than they all burst out laughing like I'm a frickin comedian.

"Oh no, I can't have kids these are just all of my adopted sons." Guess that was the only thing she could manage through all her laughter, yeah sooooo funny least you could do is give a girl a warning. They continued laughing for like another 10 minuets, and kept on going, this was getting tired.

" SHUSH IT!" I screamed, I really hate it when people laugh at me, so lets have a little fun. "Your mother has hired me to baby-sit all of you for the time being, but in that time we are also going to put you through intense training before we ship you off to the military." By the looks on there faces Kim hadn't informed them of my arrival, this is great.

"Mum, why are you doing this I promise well behave. I won't prank Luka anymore I promise." a boy around 16 said to Kim with pleading eyes. Man this is really somethin' I can't believe that this is working, I mean come on I'm 16 for Pete's sake I'm not that old. Kim looked at me and winked.

" I'm sorry Tristan but you gave me no choice all boys do is mess around and you flaunt my money like it's growing off a tree. This is regrettable but it's the only option."  I am having a really hard holding in my laughter; all of their faces are either morphed into sadness or anger.

The oldest looking one-stepped forward with a pleading look, " Mom you could have just asked us to behave you really didn't need to ship us off. If you give us another chance we'll be good I'll make sure of it."

Kim just shook her head, " Luka I've asked you time and time again. Your father and I have discussed this, we think it's best." At this point Kim looked as if she was crying; but I knew better she was trying to stifle her laughter. I looked around at the boys once more now they all were either crying or looked as if they were about to punch something, I couldn't hold it any longer when I looked at Nate's confused face I just burst out laughing. Soon Kim followed suit and we were literally rolling on the floor clutching our stomachs because it hurt to much from laughing. Every single one of the boys stared at us like we were crazy. All of a sudden the was a loud BANG noise, "Honey I'm Hooooommmee!"


Hope you enjoyed if not Rain will come out of this story and sass you till November. 


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