Wake Up Call

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 Rain's POV

         UHgg, I'm so tired and what the frick is with all that bouncing. I open my eyes to see a little boy maybe even younger than Nate jumping on my bed. He's just smiling away having the time of his life, jumping up and down on MY bed. Eh, oh well. I feel my bones creek and I sit up looking around I notice not only is there a random little boy on my bed but I see Nick sleeping next to Nate at the bottom of my bed like a guard dog. Knowing it's probably about 5 or 5:30 in the morning, I get up to go make some breakfast for the boys, SO I guess that means I have to make enough food to feed an army.

Picking up the strange bouncing boy, I head down stairs. I sit the little boy down on the kitchen floor and try to walk to the fridge to get out some ingredients, only to have to drag my feet seeing as there's a tiny human attacked to my leg. GREAT, just great. Since we'll probably be spending all morning together I should probably find out his name. I look down at him, smile and say, "What's your name little man?" He just looks at me, and shakes his head, and then he points at his throat and shakes his head once again. I instantly felt horrible, he's mute. Ohhhh maybe I can mind link him.

{R=Rain; B= little boy}

R: Hey there, can you tell me your name.

He looks up at me amazed B: My name is Carter

R: Well Carter would you like to help me cook breakfast?

His eyes widen a little, Awwww so cute.

B: YES!! Can we make chocolate chip pancakes?

R: Yay that's my fave!

B: I think we should put Nutella on it instead of chocolate chips.

R: Carter I think you just made yourself my new best friend.

        Carter and I continued talking, as we cooked. I learned that he's five years old, but his brain is much more developed and he's really smart. Though he usually stays in his room, he wanted to meet Nate and I. He said that he couldn’t talk to the others so he kind of felt left out and that he was glad we came. I asked him to go wake up Nate and Nick so we could eat. I didn't want to wake the others up because they said they don't sleep much. We took are food to the living room and sat on the floor and just talked until I noticed something,

"Nate, can you hear what Carter is saying too?"

Carter looked at me like I was crazy, "We'll can't you speak with him also sissy?"

"Yes, I can," I paused and looked at Nate more intently, "Nate can you speak to the animals also?"

He thought for a moment, "Nope, just Carter."

    Well that's strange. Maybe Carter and Nate have a link, now that I get 'a good look at them they do look fairly similar. Both have cute chubby faces with longish brown hair, accompanied by brown eyes. They looked like they could be twins but that's not possible Nate's six and Carter's five, so they could be brothers. That could be it, I have always wondered why Nate never looked like neither mom nor I. Eh, oh well, and I’ll deal with that later.

Suddenly I heard loud, stomping feet sprinting down the stairs toward us. I shoved the boys behind my back and stepped closer to the door. "Hey what's that Ahggggggg!!!!!!" Luka feel to the ground in pain. Whoops.

"I'm sorry Luka," I helped him off the floor and continued, "I thought you were going to hurt us."

Luka looked shocked then he composed himself, "It's fine, now where's the food?" He looked really hungry so I just pointed to the kitchen where I left the rest of the pancakes. I shouldn't have to worry about running out cause Carter and I probably made about 50 pancakes in all. "HOLY CRAP!" guess Luka saw the kitchen by his scream. I also took the liberty of cleaning the kitchen so it shouldn't be that bad.

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