Somebody Else ( A Princeton/Diggy Imagine) Part 2

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(a knock on Diggy's Door)

Diggy: I got it !!! ( opens it) Who the hell are you !?

Uncle Roger: The last person you gon see......(walks in and closes the door)

Diggy: (backs up) What makes you so sure ?

Uncle Roger: My niece Y/N ?......... you raped her.......

Diggy: You can't prove that......

Uncle Roger: Oh but I see anything you do to my precious little flower.....I do to you. You took something from my baby that was rather important.....and now....(pulls gun out) I'm gonna take something from you.

Diggy: P!!!!!!!

(gun shot cuts through the silence)

Uncle Roger: (falls to the ground)

Diggy: Don't just stand there P get em outta here.......

P: You know they gon catch us.....

Diggy: Get rid of everything.....

What now......

~Makayla & Jasmine

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