Somebody Else(A princeton and Diggy Imagine) Part 4 FINALE!!!

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Princeton: God if you're listening.....please help me find Y/N I know I turned her away but. If I find her.......if I find her alive I promise I won't ever turn her away again just please help me find her. I know she's scared,helpless, and just doesn't know what the hell is going on.I remember the last thing I said to her "you brought this on yourself".........That wasn't true she didn't bring death on herself by leaving me.....God I wish I could take it back.

Aunt pat:
God please put A fiery hedge of protection around my baby. I already lost my husband and you know I just wouldn't be able to go on knowing she isn't here on this earth. She's a good girl and she deserves the chance to live out the rest of her life. If you don't give that to her Father God.  I pray you take good care of my baby in heaven.

Y/N :
I woke up with tear stained eyes and the oddest yet most painful sensation. I felt myself strapped to a large wooden slab by my wrists and ankles.  I was naked and wet all over my body. It didn't feel like sweat more like water. Whenever I tried to move my legs it felt like hot pining needles kept sticking me in my nether regions. I lift my head up slightly to see a shirtless devilishly smiling Diggy. I threw my head back to the wooden slab and began to cry really hard.

Diggy: Someone's awake

Y/N: Digg please just let me go.......I promise I won't say anything to the police,media outlets,nothing just let me go please.

Diggy: Of course you won't say anything.....because you will be here....until your inevitable death

Y/N: Diggy what do I have to do for you to let me go ?

Diggy: You really wanna know ?

Y/N: I will do anything please.......

Diggy: Fuck me like you love me and no one else.........

I really wish there was something else I could do for my freedom. I don't love Diggy. I never have and I never will. I love Princeton and if I faked it be would know. so I might as well not do it.

Y/N: No Diggy

Diggy: What !?

Y/N: No I could never do that because I love Princeton and not you.

Diggy: You really want me to fucking kill you don't you ?

(Dead silence)

Meanwhile Princeton scoured the entire city for you. Two weeks straight and wouldn't rest until you were found. To his friends he looked so unrecognizable. He grew a beard, his hair grew an extra sloppy 3 or 4 inches. His smell was super close to intolerable because he didn't even bother to shower either. He took a break at a local bar washing his pain down with the strongest liquor in there Jack and Coke , double Jack ,  Jack on top of Jack, Jack on ice, 5 to 10 shots of Jack. Finally he just demanded a whole bottle. The bartender obliged and took the cap off for him and set it down in front of him. He took several chugs out of the bottle and cried.

Princeton: It's all my fault I'm the reason she's closer to death than she's ever been before.

(A guy comes and sits next to him at the bar)

??: You're quite tore up about something aren't you sonny......
Princeton: Yes sir
??: Well I can tell you drinking isn't gonna make you feel any better or do anything to rectify the situation
Princeton: I know sir.......I feel like I just can't do anything else I wanna go looking for her-.........I wanna go and fix it but I just don't know how ?
??: I guarantee if you get up from this barstool and try to find a way you can find it in a matter of minutes.
Princeton: What if it takes longer ?
??:Well I don't know .......I just know that the answer to your problems are not in this bar and most certainly not in the bottom of that bottle.(gets up from his stool)
Princeton: What do you know you're just an old drunk.....
??: Yeah you're right I am an old drunk......but I'm an old drunk today because when I was your age I sat here right in this bar and sucked down half a bottle of Jameson and cried just like you doin now.
Princeton: It's jack first of all......and second I'm not crying.....I'm just tryna figure out my next move cause If I don't act now she might-.........It might be too late for me to fix what I have messed up.
??: Well son time is escaping's just a matter of how much more of it you're gonna let pass before you get up from this stool and go put some action to your thoughts.
Princeton: I guess you're right sir........and I'm sorry I just can't stop thinking about her-.......I mean it
??: Everything's gonna be alright son (approaches the door)
Princeton: Wait !
??: (Stops)
Princeton: I didn't get your name
??: Just call me Clem son...
Princeton: great grandfather's name was Clem. Thank you for your help
Clem: Anytime son (smiles and leaves)

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