Gotta have it (Part 3)............

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*In the car*
Spin: (driving) Aight so you ready to tell me what the FUCK ! is going on............
Diggy: (looking mad) Man..........fuckin Blake man
Spin: What about Blake nigga !.............. Now I aint no bitch bro but..........I had a feeling about than dude and I told you be careful..............and don't bring Y/N ass around him....
Diggy: Yeah you did...............but that aint got shit to do with what's goin on right now!......
Spin: Aight.....but when I turn this corner.....don't punk out on me dog......
Diggy: Nigga how the fuck am I gon allow myself to punk out.........
Spin: Well take this (pulls out pistol and hands it to Diggy)
Diggy: Let's get this mothafucka man (cocks it)

As soon as Spin made that left Diggy's very thoughts and future started to flash before his eyes........what he was about to do....what was gonna happen afterwards...and if he would get in trouble for it or not.............. Spin arrived to the house and Diggy Jumped out the car and kicked the front door open and all the half-naked women got scared.
Nina: He's in his office with some girl.

Diggy and Spin swing the door open and walk towards him while your sucking him under the table still.......Diggy flips the desk up and picks you up off the floor by your forearms as you tried to quickly crawl away from his sight.......

Diggy: (Still has your forearms) WHY THE FUCK  DID YOU LIE TO ME Y/N!!!!!!!! WHY ?!!!!!!! (pushes you in a chair)

Y/N: (crying) Diggy I'm so sorry.............

Blake: Awwwwwww....poor boyfriend get his heart broken.......You know what they say..................."Drugs aren't for faithful people ....." (laughs)

Diggy: (pulls him up by his shirt) Muthafucka you think you just gon do that to my girl.HUH!!!!!

Blake: (pokes his lips out)

Diggy: (punches him in the face)

Blake: (spits out blood) My mom hits harder than you, you pussy

Diggy: (punches him again and knocks him into a bookcase) (cocks gun and points it at him all in one fast motion)

Blake: Ooooh!!!! you have a gonna shoot me ?....I've gotten to see and do all the things that take people a lifetime in 20 years..............even Y/N (laughs)..........

Y/N: (shaking)

Blake: So go ahead tough guy.............shoot me.

Y/N: DIGGYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!


It was a dead silence.......your soft whimpering broke through thing you knew you were completely unconscious in the back of an ambulance.......the dim blue and red glow of the police lights turned from hazy, to flared, to clearly visual...... Under the lights you seen Diggy handcuffed and being pushed into a quietly shed a tear for him as he looked at you and mouthed " I love you".............. Weeks passed and you got word that he was gonna be sentenced.....but according to your source the family wasn't just satisfied with putting him behind bars.......... On the day of the last hearing you just couldn't get the judges words out of his head...........

Judge: You are hearby guilty and sentenced to Life without parole............

Your knees felt weak, you could hardly just fell to your knees and as they took him away he looked at you one last time and said.........."I love you"............. you never cried harder in your entire you cried you jus continued to mumble these words "it's not worth it"............. everyone stared.........some tried to help...but no one couldn't even begin to understand what you were talking about.......but you did.....and sometimes its just not worth it...............just cause you Gotta have it

Okay so I know I've tought this over a million times before now but............I really wanna start a young Marqus series......if you want a preview of the prologue AND MORE! message me and I will get it to you personally.....

~Makayla & Jasmine

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