Everyday Is A Party For Us

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Your P.O.V:
I hate my school so freaking much!!!!!!!!!!............UGHHHHHH!!!!!!!. When we moved here I thought my school was gonna be pretty cool but I learned quickly that it was jus the opposite........... these three skinny white girls with blonde hair always pick on me because I'm thick or fat or..........whatever people consider me as.......to be honest I don't even care anymore......no one likes me so what's the difference................


You walk past the girls table as you hear them make pig noises at you........

Girls: (snorting)
Y/N: (rolls your eyes)
Tracy: Girl don't worry about them............

*Tracy was a girl that helped you out on your first day showing you to classes, how to open your locker, ect..........you started talking to her after that because you really liked her moderate type style and how cool she was with everyone.........except the "Skinny Bitches"*

Tracy: Girl you got more to worry about that's more important than them......don't let them get to you.......... (sits down at a table)

Y/N:  Why are they so mean I mean.............(sits down beside her) What did I do to them ?

Tracy: You gave them something to be jealous of, that's what you did

Y/N: I don't understand........they're the prettiest girls in the school.......

Tracy: Yeah for now................look lemme walk you through, They might seem like they got it all but you got more...........you have that Beyoncé shape.......and you got them pretty hazel eyes.......and pretty long curly hair.....if you change up your style you will have every boy  at your feet............ all they got is a bomb sense of style, that dull flaxen ass hair, and good credit.............girl all that bout to hit the fan...if you didn't know.............you got the one up on them and don't let them get to you.

Y/N: I understand now,..........I cant do that

Tracy: Okay,..........but if to you I haven't been saying shit all this time ?, hear me this..........in high school there are two types of people the hunter and the hunted...........hell you got the equipment......go hunt you some white bitches.........

Diggy: Hey Y/N !!!!, you from English class right ?

Y/N: Yeah, that's me (smiles)

Diggy: Well if you're not tooo busy........me and my boys are having a party...and you are more than welcome to come

The girls walk over

Girls: yeah we'll totally be there Dig..........

Diggy: I didn't necessarily invite you but um................ you can come , I'm not appose to it......

The main girl: See you there Y/N..................or not (flips her hair and walks away)

*Next Day*

Your P.O.V:
THAT'S IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I CANT TAKE IT ANYMORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. These bitches have talked about me for the last time........Is it because I'm fat. It's clear I'm not wanted here................ maybe Ill just leave............for good.

Tracy walks in the girls bathroom to find your wrist slit, bent over the sink crying.............

Tracy: What the hell are you doing Y/N !?

Y/N: Killing myself, what's it look like ? (wiping her nose and tears with her hand)

Tracy: Unh, uhn....get the hell up........I be damned If I let you take yo own self out over some skinny bitches........Look at me........the key to getting these bulimic ass whores is not getting yourself......its to get them...............so fix yourself up..................and go get them bitches..........I'ma see you at that party tonight.

Y/N: (wipes her tears) Okay.....Okay

*A few hours before the party*

Your P.O.V:
Tracy was more than right about what I was doing........It wasn't to tear myself down......it was to build myself up......so I put on my finest  products.........and I put on my best party dress.......and I stepped out into the world, like something brand new.............I finally felt like I was myself..........

*At the party*

Tracy's P.O.V:
Man where the hell is this girl............If she don't show up Ima drive to her house and shoot it up......... I swear she betta show up.....or ima show her these bullets

Tracy heard a sudden bumbling a the front.................IT WAS YOU!.....you looked beautiful as could be. Everyone was giving you complements on your dress and all. Then Diggy seen you and you couldn't help but smile.....then you straightened up into a more comfortable smile......like you're happy to be here.......which you were.

Diggy: Y/N..................you look amazing.............I'm speechless

Y/N: (laughs) thank you so much.........It means a lot.............

Diggy: I've always been kinda shy to be honest.........because you're so beautiful...........and I really would like to take you out some time........

Y/N: Sure,......I-I would like that a lot.

Diggy: Cool. (walks away)

Y/N: (smiles and shakes her head)

The mean girls come over

Girl #1: Nice dress Y/N, where'd you get it ?..........."Whores-R-Us".........(Everyone laughs)

Y/N: (looks offendedly) Yo dady said he liked it ?

(Everyone laughs harder)

Girl #1: UGHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! you're still fat...........

Tracy: What ?...........you just banged on em Y/N

Y/N: Girl you know what,..............forget about them...tonight is my night.......................let's party!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.

You partied all night.........you were feelin yourself so much..............either way it was the first time in a long time........you felt amazing............the night was yours..........and everyday is yours............

T.H.I.C.K Terrific, Happy, Inquisitive, Cunning, Kinky....................that's what thick means to me................What about you ?


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