Chp 1: He's just not that into YOU

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What if the boy next door, the boy that teased you, the boy that called you names, might have a crush on you? This question has been in my head all these years since my mother told me three words that I couldn't make out when I was a kid...."He likes you". Big word huh? well i didn't know what it meant at that time, but then everything started piling up when i grew up over the years. Gushing over a boy that makes you feel uncomfortable around him.....welp thats me. Mothers and Fathers please under any circumstances dont ever tell your daughter the three words. It might ruin her life or lighten it up. But DON'T. Sorry for getting harsh but its the truth okay. If your asking me how this all started the answer is no.....but I'll tell you but might make you feel gushy too...maybe...

Chapter 1: Three words 

(Shelby Moore 6 years old)

I didn't really like my mom to go all out on my birthday parties, but that means she either loves me...or just wants to make people jealous. 

The theme for my party was "The little mermaid". I love the Little mermaid it's my favorite Disney movie!

Its Tyler's favorite movie too. Tyler is my best friend. We've been friends for a long time now, so of course I had to invite him to the party. What I didn't like about Tyler is that he has a meanie brother that teases me every time he sees me. The nerve of him.

"Honey get ready for your party so that I can set up the party games and the presents!" my mom yelled downstairs. "Okay!" I yelled really loud. My mom walked downstairs with a glare. "Now was that even necessary ". I shoked my head and ran into my room. Once I got dressed i walked out looking all pretty like a princess.

"You look beautiful darling, now let me take a picture!". I sighed and posed for the camera. I did a peace sign and me blowing a kiss. Mother took a look at the pictures. "Hard to believe your turning six" . With that she gave me a kiss on the forehead and motioned me towards the backyard. The swimming pool was filled with pool toys, there were games, and even my Little Mermaid cake. I ran to it to admire how delicious it looks. I licked my lips and went for it , but my mom grabbed me before I could take a slice. Dang it.

Everybody from my kindergarten class came and greeted me with hugs. I love my friends. Except for love for him. When they all came through the door I had the biggest smile on my face when I saw Tyler.

"Tyler you came!" I jumped with joy.

"Yeah why wouldn't I your like my bestest friend" with that he gave me a hug. When we were in the middle of hugging I saw Pete staring at us. I let go of Tyler and stepped backed. "Hey what the poop whats he doing here!" I yelled. Tyler looked over his shoulder. " My mom thought I should start hanging out with my brother, so I had to bring him with me." My smiled dropped to a frown. I opened the door for Tyler but when Pete came close I closed the door. I reopened to the door. "You can go through the back gate little devil" I whispered. "Fine booger eater" Pete snarled. I slammed the door with all my might before he could protest again.


My classmates were having fun and I think my mom out did herself this time. Everybody except for Pete. He laid down on the grass watching everybody play. I felt sorry for him so I walked over to him with a party bag.

"Here". I stretched my hand out so he can grab the bag. "No" was all he said. Okay that's it! "Just take it!"

"I said i don't want it poop face" he stuck out his tongue. Ugh. "Stop being a baby and take it!".

"Me? your the one who is crying out loud for me not taking the bag". Then there was silence. "

Listen there's a fork in there and if you don't take the bag you wont get cake". Pete stared at me. "Cake?". Bingo. "Yeah I think were gonna cut it in a minute" I said sweetly. He looked at the bag then backed to me. "OK". I smiled when he finally grabbed the bag. All that yelling really paid off.

"Ok everyone its time for cake!" my mom yelled. All my classmates stampede over to the picnic table with the cake. I took two steps but I turned around and stared back at Pete. He still laid there. "Hey you want the first piece?" I asked. He got up and walked with me to the table. Right there laid a perfectly good cake with the wordings "Happy Birthday Shelby". It looked so good. Everyone sanged the happy birthday song while I was blushing. Pete stood real close to me. Really close.

When everybody clapped to me when the song was over I leaned in to make my wish. "I wish...I wish" I thought. But somebody grabbed my hair and pushed me face forward. I slammed right into the cake. I manged to pull myself up. I heard laughter.

"Hey everybody look its poop face!" Pete exclaimed. I looked at everybody laughing at me. Oh no the cake was chocolate...that looks like doo doo on my face ew. "That's not funny Pete!" Tyler yelled. I'm happy that Tyler always stands up for me when somebody or Pete makes fun of me. "It is to me" Pete said. Pete left the backyard and went across the street to his house. Everybody was still laughing.

My mom came close to me and whispers in my chocolate covered ear, "Its because he likes you". My stomach started to turn. Maybe it was because I was starving. But I don't know I've never had this feeling before in my life. Until now.


First time readers sorry but I made a few changes to the story. Rereaders don't worry I didn't it that much. I only edited some parts to make it at least presentable and readable.

P.P <3

Morse Code: Boy *discontinued*Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ