Chapter 7

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Lightningstorm fluffed her fur up, trying to get the scent of mouse bile out of it. She padded over to Yellowtail and Orangetail. "Ewww what's that..... oh hi Lightningstorm... I didn't see ya there" Yellowtail meowed quickly, covering up for her friend. Lightningstorm glanced at her friend and former mentor. "I'm going to the river to wash this stink off" she muttered, padding away with irritation in every step. Stormtail ran after her.
Stormtail's P.O.V
I ran as quickly as I could after her. Even if she was just the fastest cat in the clan when she was running.... she was also the fastest walking cat as well, apparently. I chuckled as I saw her stop. "What's funny mouse-brain?" she asked. 'Oh no.. she's still mad about earlier' I realised. A mad Lightningstorm is just as bad as a real storm. "Look Lightning, (A/N: that's kinda like his nickname for Lightningstorm. She sometimes will call him Storm) I'm sorry if you're still mad about the goofing off. I didn't mean to get you into trouble. I just wanted to cheer you up since you looked sad" I told her, trying to make her temper go down. She let out a sigh and laid down in the grass, her forepaws barely touching the edge of the slow moving river. 'That's new' I thought, never seeing the firey she-cat like this. "I'm not mad Storm. Not at you anyway. I'm mad because of what our punishment was. We've only been warriors for about a moon or so, and we're back to doing apprentice duties" she fumed. I walked over to her slowly and wrapped my grey tail around her yellow-and-black shoulders. Her lightning bolt that ran down her back looked matted, and her eyes were full of something. "Ya know, you'll understand when your a leader. I'm not trying to sound like your mother, but she's most likely right. That's why she's a good leader" I muttered, laying down beside her. Both our pelts reeked of mouse bile, but neither of us moved. She rubbed her head under my chin, and I felt my cheeks heat up under my fur. One of her amber eyes opened and she said "Storm, do you like Silverheart?" I looked at her, suprised to hear that question. "What?? No, I don't. Why the sudden asking?" I asked. She moved her head from beneath my chin and looked at me. I had to hold back a whine that wanted to come from the back of my throat. "Because, I see you and her always talking, eating, hunting together. And sometimes I see you both curled up next to each other, asleep, in the warrior's den" she responded. My dark grey ears shot up in response to this news. "She sleeps beside me?? Lightningstorm, I didn't know she did. She must sneak over while I sleep to do this" I quickly meowed in response. Her eye closed and she got up. She slowly stepped into the water and crouched. "Are you gonna wash that stink of or what?" she poked at me, her normal self returning. I stood up and walked over to her.

Lightningstorm(star) x StormtailWhere stories live. Discover now