Chapter 8

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Stormtail's P.O.V

It had been a moon since then. Lightningstorm was out training Featherpaw with Yellowtail and Bluepaw. I was helping Branchpelt with her herbs for my mother and the other queens. I was walking to the medicine cats' den and I overheard Orangetail and Snowback talking. "Yes I plan to retire at the gathering tonight. Lightningstorm is ready to be trained to lead the clan" Orangetail spoke to the old medicine cat. "The years weigh heavily on you now, do they Orangetail? It seems like only yesterday you were a lively apprentice asking to help me" Snowback laughed at his old friend. I smiled at the idea of Lightningstorm being trained. 'Speaking of her...' I turned to see the bright yellow she-cat walking into the camp with her companions. I trotted over to her... or I tried to. Before I could reach my goal, Silverheart stood in front of me. Her sleek silver pelt was shining in the setting sun's light. "Hey Stormtail. Where are you off to in a hurry. Twisterstar is gonna announce who's going to tonight's gathering soon" she said quickly, trying to keep me from speaking to Lightningstorm. I almost growled at the she-cat but I heard Twisterstar yowl. "The cats coming to the Gathering tonight are Snowback, Orangetail, Lightningstorm, Branchpelt, Stormtail, Featherpaw, and Silverheart. That is all" her you'll rang out. Shock pushed through my pelt since I didn't hear Yellowtail or Bluepaw's names be called.
General P.O.V
As if on que, the young energetic apprentice began whining about how her sister got to go to the Gathering again. "Bluepaw be silent. Twisterstar called who she called. There's always next time" Yellowtail said, resting her tail on her sad apprentice's forehead. Stormtail slipped around Silverheart and padded his way over to his favorite she-cat. "Hey Lightningstorm. How'd your hunt go?" He asked. "Oh hi Stormtail. I-it went fine thanks" she answered cheerfully. Stormtail smiled and felt a nudge at his paws. "Ook wat I cought Tormtal" Featherpaw said, her words jumbled by the small grey squirrel in her white jaws. Stormtail nodded approval as the young she-cat trotted off to the fresh-kill pile. Stormtail nudged Lightningstorm to a remote part of the camp, away from the other cats in the clan at least. "Lightningstorm we need to talk" he said softly. Lightningstorm's pelt bristled and she said "Ok. About what?" The grey tom looked at the yellow she-cat and said almost in a whisper " L-Lightningstorm... I l-like you... no." He straightened up and look at her amber eyes and said in a more auditable tone "I l-l-love y-you." Lightningstorm's cheeks heated up as she opened her mouth to respond.

Lightningstorm(star) x StormtailOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora