hey guys...

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Hello to everyone who reads this fanfiction. If you remember in an earlier chapter/part, I said I didn't create these characters alone.. I created them with my friend. Now, I don't know if anyone really keeps up with this book, but I haven't been updating in a while. I would like to say I'm sorry for that, and I want to say why. In recent months, since about the beginning of March, my friend and I have been getting into and out of fights(luckily none have been physical). I want to continue this book, but it doesn't feel right unless she and I make up for it. I'm sorry to those who read this and enjoy what little there is in the story... but if we don't make up, updates might be extremely slow and I might cut characters, or I might just delete this whole story. I'm really sorry guys.... feel free to browse my other stories but in other words, enjoy reading something

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26, 2016 ⏰

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