Chapter 10.

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Leila's POV.

I woke up bright and well... not so early the next day, it was around 11:30 and I only woke up because I heard a knock at my door, if its that I need to help Mrs Witherstean get her cat from behind the sofa again I will scream in anger. I huffed as I dragged myself towards the door, but I could've been wide awake and not actually been less shocked than I was when I opened the door.

“Zayn?” I said shakily.

Zayn's POV.

I got into Bradford really late that night, so I decided to crash at a near by hotel for the night, its not like I wouldn't of loved to go home but it would've caused so many problems such as making my mom worried about why I was home and then she would want the full story and every detail and then make me spend the day in bed to “clear my head” but honestly, the last 3 weeks had been enough clearing of my head.

I woke up super early the next morning, okay it was about 9 but considering I hadn't got to Bradford until around 4:30 am, it was early. Once I showered and got changed, I had no hesitation before heading straight to Leila's.

I could tell she was utterly shocked to see me when she answered the door, he voice shook as she said “Zayn?” questionably.

“uh, can we talk?” I responded.

“w-what are you doing here?”

“we need to talk” I said sternly.

“i-i guess we do” she sighed. “tea?” she asked


It'd been a long time since I'd been at Leila's but honestly nothing had changed, and I liked it. I smirked a bit to myself.

“what are you smirking at?” she asked.

“you never changed” I laughed lightly.

“I really do, I don't like change” she put the tea on the table.

“thanks” I said

“no worries”

there was a minute silence before I spoke up.

“Leila look..”

“i get it Zayn, you don't have to explain yourself. We're friends and we have been forever. If we dared to push ourselves into a relationship then it would more than likely fail because you know that you'd be lying to yourself that you see me as more than a friend even a sister to you. You don't have to spear my feelings, I get it. I understand, you're with Sarah and you're happy or whatever maybe there's another girl but-” I cut her off by crashing my lips onto hers, she responded by moving in sync with me but then she pushed me away.

“Zayn, no, you did this before. You kissed me and then never talked about your feelings you just went back to being the same as before. Especially knowing how I feel you go and do that? Its not fair”

“Leila, can I speak now?”


“you're my best friend. My beautiful best friend, you claim you know me more than anybody else however you can't simply tell when I'm in love?”


“I'm in love with you, Leila”

“b-but sarah?”

“its been a fake relationship since the day it started, management thought it would be a good idea and so did I at the time, but its over. It never really was real but its over”

Leila's POV.

I couldn't think, I could hardly even breathe. He..loved me? I couldn't even believe.

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