Chapter 6.

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Leila’s POV.

We pulled back with foreheads resting on one another’s. My mind tried to take in all that had just happened but it couldn’t. We were both panting heavily and smiling sheepishly. “wow” I breathed. He nodded. I wonder what this means for us, what we’ll become or what we wont become. What about Sarah? Are they not a couple any more or what? Did Zayn really just cheat on his girl friend with me? Right now, as selfish and heartless as it sounds, I don’t care. If anything I deserved that kiss. Because I had gone through months, years in fact, of heart break and it was at the time where it was eating me alive, I couldn’t give up a opportunity I had which was waiting for me to take.

“where does this leave us?” I asked.

“I don’t know.. I wish I did but I don’t I think there’s a lot of talking that needs to be done”

“I agree”

“not right now though, I want to enjoy this moment”

Instead of responding I went and lay on his bed. I still had a grin plastered on my face and I knew it wasn’t going to be disappearing off my face any time soon. I checked the time and it read 9:57 pm. Where had all the time gone today? But then I realised today’s events everything about it and I sat up ready to go and get changed in my room.

“where are you going?” questioned Zayn.

“to go and get changed?”

“right okay, come back in here after?”

“of course”

After getting changed I returned to Zayn’s room. If I’m being completely honest I am exhausted and all I want to do right now is go to sleep. So I crawled into Zayn’s bed and curled up beside him cuddling him a bit. After everything that as happened to day I just drifted off into a dreamless sleep.

I woke up later than usual the next morning and it was around 11:30 am. Zayn was up by this time and entering the kitchen I saw him sipping some tea and eating the remainder of toast he had on his place. Nerves built up in my system as I realised today would be the day I was finally going to tell Zayn my feelings I had been hiding from him. HE did choose to kiss ME. It wasn’t the other way around so maybe he feels the same, who knows. I’ll just have to wait and find out.

“morning” I said.

“morning beaut” he replied making my heart skip a beat.

I ate up breakfast pretty quickly and then made my way to the bathroom to have a shower.

The shower was refreshing, it gave me to time to plan out what I was going to say, word for word even though I know more than likely I wont go along with this plan and I’ll end up messing it up.

Why am I so nervous? I know its quite obvious but I’m also thinking its not going to be that hard because I think Zayn may feel the same.. I know its seems unlikely but he wanted to kiss me so what does that mean? but then I think, what if it was a test? To see if he likes me but he doesn’t and it was a simple experiment. I don’t want to be a experiment.

I got dressed into a simple t-shirt a jeans, I wasn’t really trying to impress anyone so I settled on something casual and simple. Whilst I was drying my hair I decided a bit of music would definitely calm my nerves. 

“For you I'd write a symphony,

I'd tell the violin,

It's time to sink or swim,

Watch them play for ya‘.”

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