Chapter 8.

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Leila’s POV. 

I love you Leila, your everything I ever hoped for. I wish you would understand my love for you. I broke up with Sarah for you, your all I want baby” Zayn whispered.

“I love you too”

“now we can be together forever can’t we”

“yeah, forever”

“exactly, Sarah”


“Leila doesn’t mean nothing to me, she’s just my best friend. Your all I need Sarah”

“Zayn, its me! Leila!” I screamed, he didn’t hear me. I watched as he walked away with his princess. I was left alone. 

I shot up, soaked in my cold sweat. I was crying, the tears were flowing out my eyes and I couldn’t stop them. I wanted someone to come in, hold me and tell me everything’s okay. But that only happens in movies and this definitely isn’t a movie. I looked at the time 5:32am. I sighed. I lay awake thinking about everything.  Its been a whole week now, I can’t deal with this feeling of unknowing what he is thinking. I want to ask I want him to tell me but I think he’s not making the first move. I guess its up to me.

Eventually I fell back to sleep and awoke again at half 10. I got up and threw some tracksuit bottoms on, I really didn’t care about my appearance today, so I pulled my hair into a high ponytail and put a vest top on. I stumbled into the kitchen to make some breakfast, I wasn’t that hungry but I was a bit so I had 2 pieces of buttered toast. Zayn wasn’t awake yet, but I knew he has to go down to the studio at 4pm today to start looking at writing new songs and going on new tours. I’ll miss him when he goes on tour. I can’t believe he is actually this famous, I mean, I always new he had potential and I always made sure he went for his dreams but I don’t think it will ever sink in that he’s famous because he’s still the boy I know from Bradford. I’m so happy for him though,  its everything he’s ever dreamed of. Oh I sound like a proud mother now.

“Morning” I heard from behind me.

“morning, want some tea?” I asked.

“yeah that would be great” 

I made him some tea before he went and got ready. When he came back out he looked absolutely stunning. Its weird though, he was only wearing some chinos, a varsity jacket and some Hi tops yet he looked amazing. I couldn’t tear my eyes away from him.. He’s just so gorgeous.

“like what you see?” he asked with a smirk.

“looking dapper” I laughed.

“well” he done a twirl.

“impressive” I winked.

“the normal for me”

“your so cocky”


“oh okay then”

“your sarcastic”

“your annoying”

“your beautiful” what?


“uh, urm.. Nothing I have to go”

“Zayn its half 1, you don’t have to be there till 4”

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