Chapter 2.

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The pain shot through me, through my whole body not missing one place. I’d expected this; of course I had but I hadn’t actually prepared myself for it, the thing that hurt me the most though, was the fact they were so happy, so in love, so.. Everything I’m not. They had everything I haven’t got and it hurts, it really really hurts.

They hugged tightly together, sharing sneaky kisses obviously not realising I was standing behind them. I heard a cough coming behind me, its almost like whoever it seemed to be who was behind me heard my heart breaking.

Zayn and Sarah’s had shot up towards the direction of the door, I then realised it was Harry who coughed, only if I could thank him as much as I wanted to.

Because; right now, I’d love to run up to him and thank him more than you could ever imagine.

“” I stuttered.

“I’ll be back in around half an hour I’m going to wri- unpack” I muttered rushing towards the spare room in Zayn’s house. Rummaging through my suitcase, I finally found my diary and sighed a sigh of relief.

Dear Diary...

Never guess what I ran in on? Yeah, well you probably can but I guess I’ll tell you anyway, Sarah and Zayn were cuddling, all loved up. I couldn’t help but feel jealous however, I didn’t want to do anything. Luckily; Harry came to my rescue and made them actually realise we was there. I don’t know whether Harry knew or guessed my feelings or not but also I think he just brushed it off. If anyone found out what I was feeling it would probably be the end of the world for me. Everyone would look at me differently and don’t get me wrong, I’ve thought about telling someone but I just can’t handle actually facing the rejection, so I’ve decided to just keep it here with you Diary, someone I can trust, that won’t tell anyone and that will listen. So I have another 6 days with Zayn and probably with Sarah too. Oh the joys. I wonder how I’m going to contain myself. What am I saying? Of course I can contain myself.. I think. I don’t know. EURGH, its annoying me so badly, its like a itchy throat, you know when you have a itchy throat and you can’t do anything about it? Yeah that amount of annoying. Thinking about it is making me feel dizzy and sick in the pit of my stomach. I wonder how long I’ve been writing for, trying to find the right words to express my feelings. If I could change all this I would, I promise. You know; I’m actually so sad for writing this, I’m 18 nearly 19 and I’m writing a diary for god sakes. so just know, I love Zayn Malik.

Love, Leila. Xxx

Sighing again; this time it being a annoyed sigh, I put my Diary on my bed not being bothered to find a secret place for it yet. Opening my suitcase I pulled out the first t-shirt. I saw a little piece of paper fall on to the ground so I bent down to pick it up. I almost gasped when I saw it, it was a photo of me and Zayn from around 4 years ago, we looked so different. I remember the day exactly. We decided to go to the beach, but living in Bradford we didn’t really live close to one but we didn’t want to ask our parents because we wanted to be alone so we decided we’d find a bus or a train to the nearest beach. We left really early in the morning even though none of us are really morning people. Luckily the night before we’d had a sleep over so we really only had to sneak out of one house without getting caught. So we did and we got on a train to what we thought was to the beach, it actually ended up somewhere completely different and to this day me and Zayn still don’t know where we was, we took this picture about an hour into being there and we laughed for hours about it. Of course; we got grounded, Zayn got grounded for a week but I only got grounded for 2 days but Zayn’s mother, Patricia, welcomed me in to her home when Zayn was grounded so it wasn’t really that bad. I wonder if he still remembers that day? Because to me, it was one of the best days of my life and I wouldn’t change it for the world.

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